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Andre perez

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Posts posted by Andre perez

  1. Got it thanks! I actually went ahead and prdered the latest version wich is the 303 and installed it this last saturday. The problem i was haveing is that not often but it was starting to. Want to die at a stop here and there but just a rev on the engine and a couple miles down and it would go away. Before this happened it spent 3 weeks parked because the ecu wasnt getting any readings so it wouldnt turn on short story finally turned on didnt have any issues until this started happened. So i replaced the ecu got a new one lifetime warrenty. And now the only issue i seem to be having is that when i come to a stop and i turn and mess with the steering wheel y rpm goes to 400 -450 and wheninout it back it usually stays on that level but doesnt die onparkmyidle goes upto about 600-650 rpms and on drive it idle at strait 600 rpms no issues of it wanting to turn off so far but my idle does go down when i come to a stop and mess with the wheel for some reason. any thoughts on what could it be? I have searched on these forrems and it seems to be something with the power steering idle up valve im guess the lile black piece on the bottom of the power steering may be not working correctly ? I have changed the idle air control valve before and also i have a new maff also my throttle body is sqeaky clean. What i also found out is my old computer did have a lil burnt out spot on it so i guess maybe that was the reason for wanting to turn off before here and there and giving me low idle now it just want to give low idle when come to a stop and mess with the wheel. 

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