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Beth Lamenskie

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Posts posted by Beth Lamenskie

  1. Hi. I appreciate your message. Yes a lot of people don’t buy sedans anymore. But my 3 adult children all have them. I actually sold the car today. A man who had written me before about it bought it. I did take less than I wanted. But he was there with the cash and it has been for sale for a month. I ended up taking $4,850. Broke my heart not to get more but that’s how it is. Such a beautiful car. I said I would never sell it but just didn’t need. Thanks for your help. 😀


  2. I have a beautiful gold LS400 Lexus Platinum Series. It is in great condition. I just did a lot of maintenance to it. I have spent $1800. People act like I should be giving it away to them. It is a great car, kept in the garage. But people act like I am charging 25k instead of 5495. I would take a little less as well. It is just awesome but I don't need it anymore. These are special cars. 

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