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Posts posted by Cracker

  1. I opened my door yesterday so I am posting the fix. With the window down, I pryed the inner door panel up and off of the door. I could see the rods moving when inside or outside handles were moved. The latch mechanism has a plastic shroud around it. After unsucessfully trying to move the shroud out of the way, I broke it partway off. I now had access to the trip lever and was able to open the door. With the door open it was easy to remove the inner panel to inspect. I discovered a broken spring and figured out where it went. Apparently without this spring holding a paw in tension, the latch remains in the locked position. Of course I had no replacement spring onhand. I was lucky that the old spring broke at the end so I did the old stretch, curve a new end, and reuse. The plastic shroud reattached enough to stay and not foul the window or the door. End result --- good as new. I am so relieved! I fixed my lexus for $0.00. I have a bad back and climbing over the center console was getting old.

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