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Posts posted by Moondoggy

  1. Thanks for the reply.

    I found this all to be pretty weird.  I use a program on my computer called dbPowerAmp to convert my CD's over to MP3's and in their last release that I recently installed their new default format is not MP3's it's a format called FLAC.  Well, Lexus apparently does not like the FLAC format so I had to use one of their other programs to convert my recent CD burns from FLAC to MP3.  I then did a bulk copy of the music folders from my PC to my memory stick and I kept trying to read the stick on accessory instead of with the motor running.  I could plug my MP3 player from SONY into the USB while in accessory mode and the card would play music from the player but if I disconnected the player and plugged in the memory stick in instead, the car would not read the memory stick.  However if you turned the car on with the memory stick plugged in as soon as the car started the LED on the memory stick lit up and I was able to play music.  But then I discovered that when I selected an album the order in which the car started playing the songs was not the order they were played on the corresponding CD.  Also the order in which albums show up when you select FOLDER UP in no way corresponds to any order I can figure out.  I do believe that I've determined that to get the car to play the songs from the memory stick in the same order as the songs on the CD you need to create a folder on the memory stick and then copy the songs from my PC into that new folder on the memory stick one song at a time in the same order as they were on the CD.  This is all pretty crazy but it now seems to be working.


  2. I started this thread with a question of whether or not you could play MP3 music stored on a memory stick as I was not able to have the stick recognized by my ES-350.  Since that post I gave it another try and this time it worked so I decided to re-write the post asking some new questions.

    Am I correct in saying that there is no way to list the folders on a memory stick and then select the folder to play the songs in that folder?  I put 5 albums on a memory stick  and my ES-350 displayed the fact that there were 5 folder but there was no way to tell which folder was which without selecting the folder with the joystick and allowing the first track start to play  If the folder was the wrong one then you either had to select another folder with the joystick and repeat this progress.

    Is there any way to allow the system to play all the songs in the first folder and then move automatically to the first song in the next folder and begin playing that number?  Also if yo can automatically move to the next folder can the system be configured to repeatedly cycle thru all the folders?


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