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Posts posted by marc5868

  1. Thanks guys for your reply. Yes Trevor I thought it was brake warpage because it only happens at high rate of speed braking (getting off the highway or someone cuts me off and I have to apply the brake quickly and harder than normal.  At slow speeds  10-30  I don't feel anything .  It seems to start at the 35-40+ speed that I have a braking problem. I thought about removing the fuse but am going to try another brake company for a 2nd opinion before I start jacking with the fuse or getting into something that I don't know much about like the ABS system.      Regards,   Marc

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  2. Just got back from the brake guy who didn't charge me because this is the first vehicle I had with ABS breaks.  For over 15k miles driving at highway speeds I never had a problem.  Now, at 96K miles every time I hit the breaks with a little force it shakes the heck out of me and my riders in the vehicle.  Brakes, rotors and the system was checked so I don't believe it is what I see posted on the forums that I have a warped rotors after it has been looked at by the owner of the shop.

    I am thinking about taking off the fuse for the ABS then taking to the highway to see if it makes a difference.  Yes, I know this is an important feature of the vehicle and would like to replace it in the wintertime but at 85 degrees, I don't need to have this much shaking for an everyday drive. This in my opinion would help me to figure out if it is in fact the ABS as the break shop owner thinks. 

    The user manual shows two fuses one is a 20 I believe and the other #1 is a 50.  Any idea which one to pull?????

    Any help is appreciated.  I would like to try to take out the fuse today when it cools down a bit and I get home from the office.  Thanks ! ! !    Marc 

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