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3 Dbl 0

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Posts posted by 3 Dbl 0

  1. Gee, okay I guess it's back to the tire dealer then. I referenced the website as more of an intro to the tire rather than actual "research". Shopping and poking around tire dealers, car dealers, and forum groups did that. For a bit of time I was sold on the Continental line after talking to the family's Mercedes dealer, but choose instead to keep shopping. I never had good luck with Goodyear in the past, which pushed me away from the Eagle series and others. It wasn't until I was ready to put Yokahama's on that the store manager talked to me about spending a bit less and going the with Goodyear's. I have yet to put anything on opting instead to talk to GS owners as particular tires fit better for particular car models.

    So here I am, back to the search I guess. I probably would have never noticed the drag, as I tend to do a lot of mixed driving which makes it hard to pin point any steady fuel consumption. But I definitely notice having to constantly correct steering paths while on the highway here in California. I would give up a small bump in the road here and there if I could get away for the constant task of fighting off the tracking issues we seem to suffer so badly with on our roads down here. (LA to San Diego).

    Thanks for the note back. Maybe I'll lean towards Yokahama's again. I have been hearing good things about them.

  2. I am in the same situation and am going with, after alot of research, the all new Goodyear Assurance. They are a new line from Goodyear for luxury cars and smooth ride. Plus they are designed for wet driving too. And an 80,000 mile tread warrenty. Not that any of us will have them that long but it's good to know. I'm giving them a try. And best of all, there is a 30 day trial period. So wish me luck. I wish you the same! Check them out at goodyear.com


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