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Posts posted by mizike29

  1. I think your best bet is to have someone like JET do the work, If I remember right, you send them your ECU, takes like a day, and they tune it for you, you just buy a JET box, they do the programming and it goes back in the car.  Pretty safe I would say. You send it in after you have done your MODS, turbo or anything, think its like 400 bux, 10 to 20HP gains.

  2. Saying hello. Have read alot on these forums before deciding to get away from my saab that I love and bought a 2002 lexus gs300 with 63k miles on it. Engine and inside look great. Leather and everything inside is pure luxury and brand new. Love that. I do have to do something to the outside and would like some more pep behind this car. My 2007 v6 saab was a 2.8 turbo so this 3.0 has some powere but missing that kick and the looks are not as sporty even though it is a sports edition as my saab was.  With the low miles and seeing these cars on craigslist with 200 to 300k miles on them I hoped I have years left on this car but need some ideas on how to sport it up in and out?  Seems to have minor issues. Noise with the brakes when slow stops so fixing all the abs sensors and shakes like crap at 60mph but pretty certain just new rims tires and correct balancing will fix that. So hello. And any suggestions would be awesome. 

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