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  1. Sorry, I have no idea how or why this got made into another post. Mods please delete this post
  2. UPDATE - First of all, thank you all for getting back to me! I really appreciate it. I read all of your responses and decide to just wait and see what happens before I do anything. And I guess it paid off! I got to New York just fine. And after a few days of making the noise while I was here, it completely went away! It hasn't made the noise at all in over 10 days. And the startup feels and sounds just fine every time. I'm still not exactly sure what it was. Maybe it was just an issue with the starter itself that for whatever reason fixed itself haha. The starter definitely seemed like the likely culprit because our installation went pretty smoothly. In any case, I'm happy and worry free :) There wasn't a check engine light at all. But I am glad I waited before I ripped everything back down haha. And yep, lifting the intake manifold out without a second person would've been insane. Landar, I actually wrote this post in hopes that you would comment haha. I saw how helpful you had been for others with their issues, specifically regarding starters. So it made my day to see your post on my thread :) Thanks for your advice on waiting to see what happens; it definitely paid off. And I will definitely test starters in the ways you described before installing them moving forward. Great advice. I only meant it wasn't that bad in the sense that I had read up so much about it and saw hundreds and hundreds of people complaining about it. I still consider myself a beginner (at best) at wrenching, so I went in expecting the worst. However, I do like to think I'm more patient than most people. I don't stress or get frustrated easily. And patience is definitely required for a job like this haha. Even though it wasn't as bad as I was expecting, it was definitely still an annoying job overall. I guess it just was a little more straightforward than I had imagined it in my head, that's all. I was also lucky because my two friends who helped me are much more experienced at wrenching than I am. Couldn't have done it without them. All in all, great first experience posting on this forum. Thanks again to everyone who responded!
  3. Hey guys! I'm new on this forum. This is my first post, but hopefully it's an interesting one. I have a 99 LS400 with 152k miles on it. A few weeks ago, it started taking more and more turns of the key to start it, until one day, when all I got was the infamous single click. So I figured it's time to replace the starter and ordered a Denso Remanufactured one. It came in late yesterday, and my friends and I got started. We finished today and got the car all put back together. When I went to start it, it started right up! However, right after it turned over, there was a very high pitched whining/whirring noise ( like something spinning very quickly) which lasted a second or two. I've tried starting it about 12-13 times since then, and it does it almost every time, although the noise has gotten a bit quieter. My friends and I immediately suspected that the noise was coming from the starter not disengaging and pulling back out of the flex plate after starting it. After doing some quick searching on this forum, I figured we were probably right about that theory. Is this because we possibly didn't seat the starter properly? Maybe it might've been at a slight angle? But the two 14mm bolts went right in and we tightened them properly. The starter seemed like it was very stable and properly fitted. Or is this just an issue with the starter itself? In any case, my main concern is... Will this cause any long term problems to the flex plate or something? Will the new starter go out quickly? Basically, what should I do at this point? Thanks in advance guys! Karthik PS. I have to take the LS400 on a 900 mile road trip from Chicago to NY tomorrow . That's why I'm kinda anxious and worried about this noise haha. At least we got the starter replacement done fairly quickly and on time. I have to say, although it was an annoying job, it really wasn't as bad as I was expecting!
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