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Posts posted by cms4242

  1. Howdy W38,

    First of all I was letting my husband do the diagnosis.. that was part of the problem. When I went out and checked the battery contacts had much corrosion so we cleaned em' and it started right up. Drove it down to the smog inspection place and $147 later the car passed and all is now good.

    To answer your question, yes I would keep it. It's basically a Toyota and they run forever... and it's much easier on the pocket to spend $1500 to keep it running then to have a car payment or buy another used car with unknown problems. $3000 is steep but if you trust your mechanic have him do a once over and get his opinion too.

    Good Luck!!

  2. Howdy,

    I recently moved to California with a 93 GS300 with 166,000 miles on it. We towed it here from TX and drove it around a bit - ran just fine. We had problems getting the title so the driving around stopped for a few months - now we have the title but the car won't start. Checked the battery and it's just fine - meaning it's 'prolly the starter or solenoid -I am guessing- and we will have to pay someone to tow and do the work because we live in an apt that bans that sort of thing.

    Add to this that we have to get it probably altered and then smog checked and we haven't even registered it yet due to some financial concerns.

    My question is should we keep or throw? I don't want to put a bunch of $ into a car that isn't going to be around long. Help?

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