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Posts posted by DLEvans

  1. Sounds like you don't need the money, but have you realized that the instant you turn the key, depreciation on a new 2014 will cover all your forseen repairs for probably another 2-3 years? I would evaluate whether you just want a new car and are trying to justify it, or if there isn't something else more meaningful and durable to you to spend the money on.

    I can't speak for you or anyone else, but there are a lot of great deals on 2013 and slightly older vehicles that might allow you to do both. But the fact is, as a means of transport in a nice looking, relative up to date vehicle, your 2006 has a lot of life left.

    We have purchased or leased three new cars in the last 15 years and every one of them cost far more than a good late model used vehicle. Whether you buy "certified" from your dealer for the peace of mind or use Carfax and an inspection to buy privately, from a dollars spent standpoint, you can't go wrong.

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