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  1. My take is that some of the people insisting that there is NO PROBLEM with the screen have to experience something other than a Lexus. By their own admission some of these good folks have had Lexus vehicles for the past decade or so. Maybe they have forgotten what a NORMAL night time viewing experience is. :) I used to drive an Audi Q7 before my Lexus. The windscreen on that vehicle had no such issue. Neither did the Q5 I had before it nor does my Dad's VW Passat. I am sure you guys get my point. Now about this being a rare issue. Well I am in Canada I have experienced it, most of the other effected parties on this thread are in the States. So by default just this thread has made it a North America wide issue. Lexus certainly knows about it and are playing it down for obvious reasons. I agree with Tom on ALL counts and yes the problem is there even in day time but only visible to the keen eye and not at all as much troublesome as it is at night. Schille1, Thank you for the kind words of support. I totally agree, all the effected parties must exchange notes to gain from the experience of each other and try to achieve an amicable compensation. Notice how I didn't say solution, as I believe this problem can not be solved unless Lexus develops a brand new windscreen and replaces the faulty ones with that. Untill that happens (highly unlikely) we will all have to be content with some sort of a compensation. All said and done warranty or no warranty, Lexus developed a hazardous product and either they should replace it or compensate for it in a way that it pacifies the effected customer and addresses their safety concern. This windscreen is not a faulty valve that stopped working, this part NEVER worked. In fact it endangered the occupants of the vehicle and jeapordized their lives. In any half decent consumer society there has to be a consequence to something grave like this.
  2. I am having this issue looked into by the dealership. On instructions of Lexus Canada I have dropped off my 2013 Lexus ES350 at the dealership. They will have their technicians drive it at night (when the issue is at its peak). Meanwhile I have been given another Base 2013 Lexus ES350 as a loaner (courtesy) vehicle. Lo and behold the exact problem is there with the loaner as well. The wind screen distorts bright light sources exactly the same way. Will update when I hear back from the dealership. By the way I do not have high hopes of a solution as the problem seems to be widespread and I feel Lexus would keep denying it till they can. I already had one service rep at the dealership make faces and mumble how he had never heard a complaint like this in the 10 years he has worked for Lexus.
  3. Hi Tom, Since our last contact here, I have taken this up with Lexus Canada. The very next day I was contacted by a manager in their customer care department. That would be just a few hours ago. They are requesting me to take my car into the dealership and have them verify the issue. They claim that this is the first time someone has reported this issue in Canada. I doubt it, if you ask me. Either way I have decided to go ahead with their procedure. I will keep you posted on any development at my end. Please you do the same as well. I believe our interaction (exchange of notes) can be very beneficial for both. Good luck. Best regards, Ahmed
  4. Please do. I will be interested. I assure you your experience with Lexus customer service will be a guiding light for many.
  5. Hi Tom, Thank you for the update. I am exactly on the same page as you. Absolutely, how come not others are having this issue and that Lexus is so easily getting away with this safety hazard. You see car headlights are one thing but I face the same issue with traffic lights as well. If the red light is displayed, I see halos around it and another projection of sorts above it and below it. Having said that I am not hopeful of a solutions as I feel it is a design flaw on account of the acoustic shielding. There is a film pasted or rather pressed between two sheets of glass to achieve this shielding. If you ask me that is the culprit. So perhaps the only solution could be to move to a non-acoustically shielded screen. Does your Lexus have the Mark levinson sound system? As far as I know the acoustic shielding is a features there because of this sound system. Perhaps done in an effort to provide a quieter listening environment. I guess Lexus meant good but perhaps over looked the issue you and I are having. Sadly the only 2 Lexus owners in the world with this concern. :)
  6. Hi, I signed up with this forum (first time with ANY online forum) just to let you know that I am having the exact same problem with my 2013 Lexus ES 350. I am guessing this has something to do with the windshield being "acoustic". Please do share if you have managed a solution.
  7. Welcome to the Lexus forums AQKhan :)

    1. AQKhan


      Thank you Steve.

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