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Dan IN

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Posts posted by Dan IN

  1. Thanks, Paul and Rivk. My original post is specifically about the S-Mode, not the Eco/Normal/Sport setting.

    From everyone I've talked with since my original post a few months ago, the S-Mode seems to be a feature with no real practical use. Yes, I can control - within limits - when my car shifts from 1st, to 2nd, etc and sometimes it's fun to play with this. But, I'm told, there are protections built in to keep me from hurting the car, for example, by running the RPMs dangerously high. Also, I'm told, if I ever really need to accelerate the car quickly to get out of a tight spot, the car will respond equally well whether I'm in S-Mode or not.

    I'm left with the impression that the S-Mode is just a toy (not that I mind toys).


  2. I last posted on this topic three months ago. My car continues to have this problem although the severity has diminished a bit. But it is still aggravating: not quite bad enough to get rid of the car but aggravating enough that this is likely to be my last Lexus.

    Last week, I took my car in for its 5,000 mile maintenance. I mentioned the problem again, and the mechanic drove the car again, but, like before, indicated there wasn't anything wrong with the car.

    I'm at a loss about what to do next.


  3. I purchased my 2013 ES 350 about three weeks ago and I am having a similar problem with the (I assume) transmission. The car seems to have trouble downshifting smoothly. For example, sometimes if I am travelling at 30-45 mph and let up on the gas, it feels as though I am gently applying the brake even though I am not. Sometimes the car will then downshift and the braking feeling will go away, sometimes not.

    The problem is not consistent from day to day or even minute to minute. Sometimes the sensation lasts longer and is more severe; other times it's pretty minor.

    I started noticing this at about 300 miles and it remained an issue until 900 miles at which time I called and made an appointment with my dealer. It was at about 1,000 miles that the mechanic at Lexus drove my car and he noticed the downshifting but my car was on it best behavior during our test drive; the feeling was noticeable but not objectionable. At his suggestion I test drove another another ES 350 to see that the slight sensation during downshifting was normal.

    However, on most days the sense that someone is pressing on my brake pedal during coasting, and that the car often seems to take a very long time to decide if it wants to downshift, is more pronounced and maddening.

    John, I encourage you to take your car to the dealer and report back. Perhaps we can get to the bottom of this.

    Dan IN

  4. I've been enjoying my new Lexus ES 350 - my first Lexus - for one week. I am intrigued by S Mode Driving but am finding very little information on it in the owner's manuals or elsewhere. I'm referring to the ability to indicate S1 through S6, not Sport Mode.

    What does S Mode Driving do?

    Why would a driver use it? Is it just for fun or does it have other purposes?

    Does using S Mode impact gas mileage?

    Can I damage my transmission if I use it incorrectly?

    What else do I need to know?

    Please share your knowledge or experiences with me. Or point me in the direction of other resources that can explain this more fully.



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