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Posts posted by casual_driver

  1. Hi. I'm in the market for an 2010-2013 RX 350. I currently drive an '04 BMW X3 with 92k miles. I've been looking at listings, etc., but haven't found "exactly" the right car yet, and I may have stumbled on one, but the mileage has me thinking about whether or not I should even go look at it.

    I'm wondering if you'd be willing to share your thoughts about how many miles on a used RX350 is too many. I found one that's fully loaded but it's got 55k miles on it. It's a 2011 one owner, exterior and interior colors are what I'd like. Dealership doesn't have a photo of it up yet, but the price is $33,500, which is a great bargain, but is 55k too many miles?

    If it were a BMW, I'd wouldn't consider it with 55k on it, but maybe it's not too many on the RX?

    Any advice will be much appreciated.

    Hi, Sue,

    I saw an article today in Consumer Reports that, with proper care, an RX and many others should be good for 15 years and 200K miles. You might find the article to see if it would work for you. HTH

  2. I purchased an RX 350 today and the dealer offered Clear Bra. I was not aware of this product so came home to research it. Based on what I learned from this and other sites, I think it is worth the expense. However, many people suggested having it installed/applied by someone with some real expertise/talent, but to not use the dealer to avoid their markup. So, can anyone tell me who the best Clear Bra installer in the Albuquerque/Santa Fe area might be?


  3. Hello to all,

    I just bought a 2013 RX 350 AWD today. My original one was a 2006 GX 470 which I really liked, but didn't think I needed off road capabilities and the snow doesn't usually get that deep where we are currently living. :) Anyhow, I am really excited to take delivery on the new one because of the great features it has. It seems that they just keep getting better and better.

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