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Ann-Therese Steen-Hyman

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Posts posted by Ann-Therese Steen-Hyman

  1. I have the same issue. We live in Charleston, SC, and I went to the local Lexus dealership here (very upscale!) and asked them to look at it. After an astronomical quote (parts and labor was around $2,500.00) They informed me that the cracks are due to the products that I put on or car-detailing places put on when cleaned. Bull!!!!! considering how many people that seem to have this issue with the '03-'04 models I would venture to say it's a manufacturing issue and Lexus/dealership is trying to blame it on everyone else instead of taking responsibility .... too bad because this car is truly a great driving car but after this one "dies" I will NOT be buying another!!!!! we have been very disappointed by the local Lexus dealership and their lack of service (the people that work there are great but the management that makes the ultimate decisions are very short-sighted when it comes to service). I go out of my way NOT to use them or any of their services, and will continue to seek other options when it comes to parts and repairs (which are VERY few).

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