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Posts posted by 2011RX350

  1. running lower octane gasoline is not a problem unless you miss the 10-20 HP or so you lose due to the engine mngmt system tuning out the predetonations. If you are doing a driver's ed or NASCAR event at a racetrack in 110F heat, by all means, use 93 or 94 octane, or higher. If you are just driving around like most of us do most of the time, who cares about the lose of 20HP at high engine loads and high ambient temperatures? Y'all need to use your left brain to think about this...

  2. One is apparently sold but the black one for $32.8k isn't too bad a deal, except the mileage is high. So I believe their price must be negotiable. I bought a CPO 2011 a couple of months ago that was loaded with more options for $39k and only 12k miles. So if you like the black one (I would not own another black car in this lifetime unless I acquire a well trained servant to keep it looking clean). My bet is the price for this one is going to settle in the $20's.

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