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Posts posted by mymini1

  1. My car ECM failed, my mechanic is offering to install a used one (ECM, KEYES, IGNITION SWITCH) all 3 for $1,000.00 including labor, I've seen websites that repair my ECM and ship it back for $250.00 however my mechanic said that I'll need to program the keyes and the ignition switch (because ignition switch might no recognize the key). I don't know how true that would be. I've also seen ECM's on ebay for $100.00 but doesn't come with ignition switch and keyes.

    Can anyone please throw me some information on what could be the best step to take. Is my mechanic being right saying I need to change all 3 parts? or can a ECM from different car (being same year and model) be programmed in my car?

    Are those places offering to fix my own ECM legit? If so do I have to program the ECM again even though is the original that came in my car?

    Thanks for any feed back.

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