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Posts posted by Grandmom

  1. Paul, I thank you for your quick and appropriate reply. However, as you should note from my name "Grandmom" I don't "do" fast corners or fast turns, I drive just a few miles over the speed limit and turn corners with care and concern. Safety is my biggest concern. There are enough speeders and people who can't see thru the steering wheel driving around here.

    I read the article you sent for me and I believe my best bet would be to get a different type of tire. I'm not concerned about the "look" only the safety. I love the car, living in Florida I ride with the top down 99% of the time. 1% rain holds me back. If it's cold I have the heater going, if it's too hot I have the air conditioning going, but the top is down.....

    Anyway, I will talk with my dealer to discuss putting different tires on my car. Thanks for your assistance.

  2. We were driving at 65 MPH on a highway when the right rear tire of our 2011 IS 350C blew out. We were running on the rim only until we could get to the side of the road. AAA came to put the spare on and mentioned that low profile tires blow out on a regular basis. Is this true? Would love to get some feedback on this. This tire had only 7400 miles on it and the car is only 10 months old.

    Hello and welcome to the Lexus Owners Club!

    Low profile tires do have a slightly higher chance of blowout or wear than do regular or high profile tires. Low profile tires are made for their superior handling capabilities and used on sport cars like your IS350C. One of the most important things you can do, especially if you drive your IS hard in corners and turns as well as fast, is to keep them properly inflated, but NOT over inflated.

    Below is a short article RE: low profile tires and blowouts.



  3. We were driving at 65 MPH on a highway when the right rear tire of our 2011 IS 350C blew out. We were running on the rim only until we could get to the side of the road. AAA came to put the spare on and mentioned that low profile tires blow out on a regular basis. Is this true? Would love to get some feedback on this. This tire had only 7400 miles on it and the car is only 10 months old.

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