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Posts posted by goldendorp

  1. For the past year or so, if I leave the car alone for a few days, regardless of temperature it has trouble starting. When I go to start it it will crank for a while but only fully start by giving it gas. When it starts an large plume of smoke along with fuel smell fills the air. Check engine light is not on.

    I removed the air intake plastic stuff and put the key in the on position and a rock on the gas pedal. I removed the plate at the top of the throttle body and sprayed and cleaned out the 9 or so mini holes and the 2 larger holes. With my limited car knowledge I assumed this area to be the air intake bypass when the pictured valve is closed. I cleaned out throttle body as much as I could from the front without removing it. I had good results with this. The car started and maintained higher rpms than before. I thought it was a great success.

    I then left it alone for 10 days and it wouldn't start.

    What should I check next?
    Do oxygen sensors have a role is starting or just running?
    Does the MAF sensor have a role in starting if the throttle plate valve is closed during starting? (I didn't mess with the MAF sensor) Air filter is about a year old, lightly dirty, not filthy.

    Help... I like this car, but I don't like the Lexus service bill. Thanks.


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