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Posts posted by loudtwanger

  1. I have had the same problem, except that the 3rd metal tumbler had broken in two. Having tried the WD40 and screwdriver route, I realized that the lock barrel was in trouble. So I took it out. Surprisingly easy to do, once I you realize that the dash board surround of the key just pops off with a very thin flat blade screwdriver. there is a small screw below the barrel which removes the light surround. the barrel will then slide out.

    Funny looking thing with a long brass looking shaft that runs down it. It is the sensor for when the key is in and the door is open-it causes the dong dong to go off.

    There is a metal surround at the key entry end, a flat top screw driver levered it off. You will need a ring cir-clip removing tool to take out the inner barrel and you will also need to lift the brass looking shaft to allow the barrel to slide out, make sure the key is in it to withdraw the tumblers inside it. Watch out that a funny little metal triangle looking thing does not get lost, it pushes the brass shaft out the way, when the key is inserted. You will need to put it back in, the worn side is the bit that pushes on the brass looking shaft.

    Now you have to find the tumbler that has caused you the nightmare-mine was the third one in and was in two bits so I had to make sure I got both bits out. Still enough tumblers in there to stop a thief--although a large screw driver banged in and turned would probably get the car going as well, but that's another matter. you can test the barrel turning--it only slides in correctly at one angle.Then put it all back and before you put the dashboard face on test it. Happy Rx-ing. mine has done 122,000 uk miles--about 140,000 usa miles. I had to put in an exchange gearbox at 100,000 miles. got one from a breakers yard-for $1,000--was charged $400 for fitting. Goes like a dream. might have a go at doing the spark plugs--now that will be a chalenge, for the rear 3!!!

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