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Status Updates posted by theking911

  1. الحيآة ~ مآ تعطيك گل شئ {ودك فيہ} 3 بس آوقات تعطيك »شخص « يغنيك عن... {ﮘڵ ﺷ̭͠ﻳ̉ـُےَ}

  2. mixfm-sa - في أمس شيخ غريب صلى في هدي الاداعة .. من هو؟صلاة التراويح مع العلم انه لا المدينة و لا ...

  3. THE AWKWARD MOMENTwhen someone says "We Should Hang Out" but you don't want to hang out with them.

  4. Leaving for prayer.

  5. Back from the masjid. My eyes really hurt. #sotired

  6. Only if you knew her.

  7. "Pretty girls take u to hell" -Blessing ;D

  8. Sometimes there is no next time, no time outs, no second chances. Sometimes it's now or never.

  9. I slept early yesterday, but I had the best dream ever!

  10. Headache, wish I Could take some #panadol

  11. Have a happy and special night birthday girl ;D

  12. There is a problem in my voice ;(

  13. Good morning folks!

  14. It's hard to wait around for something you know won't happen, but it's even harder to stop waiting when you know it's everything you want.

  15. Out to make some thobes. Later.

  16. “@cfcthebest: @mrtHeKiNg1 wallah mn zman 3nk :o !!” ee wallah ;/

  17. I have great friends, thank you Allah for choosing such people for me.

  18. My #twitter age is 1 year 38 days 20 hours 52 minutes 2 seconds. Find out yours at http://twitter.seocoder.org/ #twittertime

  19. That awkward moment when you’re talking to yourself and you start smiling like an idiot because you’re just so hilarious.

  20. #InKhaleejiShows the home is a mansion that is bigger than the kings house.

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