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Status Updates posted by cfrazierjr_122102

  1. RT @RegRoundtree @FoxNews Boehner & the #GOP are doing everything 2 destroy the middle class. Cuts 2 the worki… (cont) http://deck.ly/~ZME72

  2. RT @jkarsh: What specifically since the Bush Tax Cuts took effect has led the GOP to believe the top 1% are "job creators"? @daggy1

  3. RT @ARPRY Check this video out -- Boehner on Hannity //should be working with Obama instead of chatting on TV

  4. Boehner is not answering the reporters questions!

  5. RT @METrades RT @cfrazierjr .@metrades cnoz round 2? -> what u mean 2?//LOL! Round 2 as in lets do it again!

  6. RT @Nicaisse @cfrazierjr @sstevieboy @METrades http://t.co/yGlkoVc//My wife takes sumatriptan for hers. Its a nasal spray

  7. RT @johnwelshtrades NFL owners approve new deal with players - thank GOD // College ball is where at is at, pros play for money...oh wait!

  8. Programming the garage door remote went much smoother after I read the instructions instead of looking at the pictures

  9. RT @METrades RT @cfrazierjr Did you see the rumor of Nestle buying out CNOZ? -> no.//It's just a rumor I saw on twitter

  10. RT @kunal00 $heat suicide watch//I felt the same way today because I sold $abat yesterday

  11. Ah, I think I see a budding office romance starting. If she comes in with makeup on tomorrow it will be confirmed.

  12. Verizon says data for roaming may run as high as $20.48 per MB!

  13. RT @spann: @cfrazierjr People being pulled from a vehicle during a flash flood//oh my. My wife is out there!

  14. RT @soolebop @cfrazierjr @metrades @nicaisse i can't knock the hustle.//they are amazing kids!

  15. Is it too much to expect another 40% run in $qpsa tomorrow?

  16. Yahoo says 35% of $qpsa ... Can we say short squeeze? Its headed to the moon! Cc: @metrades

  17. In a merger usually the company doing the buying goes down. Not the case with $qpsa

  18. RT @Proudlib: RT @jbreezn: Did anyone actually think the Murdoch's would take responsibility for anything?! //He took the pie thrown at him!

  19. .@metrades Been playing around with the Ultimate To Do List app all night. It syncs with Toodledo which is suppose to be the gold standard!

  20. Poor families have cell phones, computers, TVs, air conditioners, refrigerators, x-box, more living space than avg.European person

  21. RT @METrades Sold $QTWW 5.34 (-5.3%) cut my loss on it. cc @luckyluck_2 //still headed South!

  22. RT @serge8u @cfrazierjr did you sell $cdti? Love it!//not yet, stops are in place though

  23. .@metrades Just loaded Pimlical on my Droid. Looks good, but doesn't sync with GCal the way it is suppose to.

  24. Just learned the hard way with Evernote. Be sure you have a data signal before saving your note, otherwise you lose your changes @metrades

  25. Palm users remember Datebk? Visit http://www.pimlicosoftware.com. It is now available on your Android smartphone!

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