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Posts posted by tz693

  1. Anyone ever figure out how to fix this? I was messing around in the service menu and cuased the same. I chose a different program from a list of choices, so this isn't a virus or some other data corruption. Probably need to know japanese to change it back, or some really lucky guessing.

    I got the same thing by messing around the serivce menu. Wondering is there any solution out there? :cries:

    I haven't found anything yet. I still waiting for a nice day to pull out my passenger seat, then the nav drive, then the CMOS battery in hopes it will default back to a useful state. I will certainly post if i find anything helpful.

    Last night, I pulled the Nav ECU out from underneath the passenger seat. Opened the ECU and disconnected the SRAM backup battery (did it a couple times). I had no luck! Still showing the same screen. Wondering how other people in the club were able to do it by this way. I found a threah of one guy had similar issue and could only get it fixed by loading a newer version DVD. Really need help from whoever fixed the problem.


    Tonight, I followed the steps that RXCHICAGO posted in this thread (thank RXCHICAGO for sharing!) http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=29621&st=30

    and finally fixed the problem and updated to v7.1 as a bonus.

  2. Anyone ever figure out how to fix this? I was messing around in the service menu and cuased the same. I chose a different program from a list of choices, so this isn't a virus or some other data corruption. Probably need to know japanese to change it back, or some really lucky guessing.

    I got the same thing by messing around the serivce menu. Wondering is there any solution out there? :cries:

  3. Hi y'all, I've been thinking of updating my Navigation maps on my 2004 GX 470 but all I read on the forums were DVD update discs. My 2004 only comes with a CD changer and a rear DVD player on both the front seat's headrest. Here's my dumb question....how can I update my Navi maps when the updates comes only on DVD format?

    The navigation DVD player is under the front passenger seat. Pop the cover off and press the eject button, you can get the DVD out and replace with an updated one ($199 from dealer).

  4. Hello, I have a blown subwoofer (the speaker located in the cargo area on the passenger side panel) I want to replace it with another oem speaker because it sounds awful. I am pretty savy when it comes to car stereos but does anyone have sugg. or can point me in the right direction to find instructions on removing the panels so I can get to the speaker? Also if someone knows the best place to get a replacement lexus speaker? I really appreciate any help. Thank you!

    You can get it from here, http://www.lexuspartsnow.com/Page_Product/PartDetail.aspx?model=GX470&year=2006&catalogCode=781450&VAID=4404&selectConditions=()&goBack=false&sectionID=4&isBigPicture=False&componentsID=86-02&componentsIndex=30, though it is not cheap. Or go to a car stereo to replace with aftermarket one.

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