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Posts posted by rivkel

  1. Now a days people are using the Car DVD player in which you can see the Movies and songs while you are driving the car.But for the Driver it is Dangerous thing to watch the DVD.If the back Seater are watching the Movie then its ok but I think the Driver should not take the risk to watch it.Its for the entertainment purpose to pass your Time while you are travelling.

  2. Oil change is essential for your vehicles,At some regular time period you have to change your oil because if the level of the oil become decrease then your vehicle get the problems with the speed,Break,Mileage.So to increase the life of your vehicle you have to maintain the oil.

  3. Motor Oil is the main part of your Vehicles,And sometimes you will get the problem from that oil,First thing is that you should go for the best branded oil for your motor,If the oil quality is not good then your motor will not work properly,And it also affects on the mileage and the consumption of the Fuel will also increase from it.And the other thing is that the oil level should be in the controlled manner dont add high or the Low level of oil it also harmful for the vehicle.

  4. The Maintenance of the Oil Filtration is also required,Some time some blockage can occur in that from the dust particle or from the watery substances.For that you have to take care of the Filter.Some Companies are manufacturing their own Filter so if you get any problem then you can contact with them for the service.You can get help from them.

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