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Posts posted by Walterbn

  1. My local servicing dealer told me that Lexus has instructed dealers to tell customers there is no new update coming...do not expect one..there is no "problem" and that things are "performing as designed." Whadda ya bet the '05 is sold as having a "new" and "upgraded" trans that "fixes all woes"......?

  2. I have an '04 RX330 that has serious trans issues and the e-throttle problems all of you have described. There are two sets of problems according to my local Lexus service people. The throttle is not causing the main trans issues.

    What will be interesting is if Lexus comes out with a new trans (and/or e-throttle program) in the '05s and then has the gall to bill it as the new and improved version.....when for months they have been telling all of us that there is no problem with ours.

  3. "QUOTE

    Simple fix for me: I'm going back to BMW for my cars."

    "That may not make you happy in the long run. I've heard a lot of complaints about the new 7 and 5 series cars that they exhibit the same throttle lag. I have a client that has a new 530i, the lag is definately there also and she's commented about it. I haven't heard anything of this sort about Mercedes vehicles, that might be a better route to go down."

    Mercedes has been taking a big, justifiable hit over declining QC and rampant electronic issues for the last few years. Many friends with them over the last two years that are very unhappy. Noooo thanks!

    I have owned new 325, M3, X5 and 330 BMWs recently. No lag. Recently drove a 645 and a 530. No lag. Most importantly, some of my BMWs had issues (almost all cars do). The glaring difference with those experiences and this one with Lexus has been that BMW always acknowledged the problem straight up...and then fixed it. This time around I get the "there is no problem", "they all do that". or "change your driving style" .....and it does not get fixed. Whatever happened to "(t)he relentless pursuit of perfection" ?

  4. What is most disconcerting about this experience with the transmission and the fly by wire software issues is the attitude on the part of Lexus/Toyota. I have spoken with enough Lexus service people (always getting the same answers) to know that it is the corporation that is telling these folks to do anything to deflect the problem. Tell the consumer that "they all do it" and/or "gee, just adjust your driving" to avoid having to deal with it. If we had brake problems, would we tolerate a service representative telling us to just try stopping earlier?

    This is exactly what the same corporate culture did with the V6 sludging problem. Some of you remember the same things happening and the attempts to just keep the problem quiet. It was only after the cat got out of the bag that Toyota finally attempted a fix. Please do not tell me how wonderful Toyota was to fix these cars after the warranty had run because the problem existed (with their full knowledge) well before the warranties expired and they simply ignored/deflected it. In short, they did only what they were legally required to do.

    This attitude may work with low price point, entry level car buyers but it does not with the folks that Lexus courts as customers. Mercedes tried the same approach with their rampant QC issues of late and has being paying a dear price in terms of lost market share. Look at the recent JD Power numbers on how even lowly Hyundai is gaining on Toyota. In short, this much-vaunted customer care reputation is rapidly becoming more myth than reality. I would gladly give up the free bottled water and yogurt at my local Lexus dealer to get a transmission and throttle system that worked and which solved these driveability issues.

    Simple fix for me: I'm going back to BMW for my cars.

  5. RE: SW03ES post on fly by wire

    With all due respect, fly by wire systems do not have an intrinsic delay. They can be instant in response. It is all a function of the software. I have owned other cars with fly by wire and they do not exhibit the problems this Lexus application does. Lexus service personnel also firm that there is a problem with their unit.

  6. The problems that I have experienced with the newer 5 speed transmission are identical to those that have been experienced by a large number of other purchasers of this vehicle and the other models in which the same new motor/transmission package is found. The shifting is often soggy, inconsistent, hesitant, and vague. If one is steady on the throttle while accelerating and then eases throttle pressure, the transmission becomes very confused. Occasionally there is a judder between shifts. On cruise control the shifting is very harsh, particularly on hills. That is by no means a complete recitation of the issues with the transmission. These problems are compounded by the fly-by-wire software issues in the new application of this technology to this new power train. There is a dead spot or pause off of idle when one initially hits the throttle and the rate of acceleration surges up and down unevenly. These engine issues are also common to a number of other RX330 owners. The combination of these two problem areas creates a negative synergy that is significant.

    What is so surprising is that prior Lexus/Toyota V6 - automatic transmission combinations have been the “Gold Standard” of the industry for a significant period of time against which all other manufacturers have been compared.

    Lest one comment that mine is an isolated experience, you need only turn to the large number of other customer complaints nationwide on these same issues. When I entered an extremely limited, very specific search in an average internet search engine, I received ten pages containing 2150 links to websites of road tests, magazines, owner’s groups, bulletin boards, car purchase sites, automotive consumer discussion groups, articles, etc., containing lengthy compilations of negative comments by a large number of owners as to these same problems and the unwillingness of Toyota/Lexus to remedy them.

    Several Lexus service people have told me the problems are common to many cars. Lexus' first "fix" was to say us 91 octane gas. When it did not placate the masses, they had a software upgrade. When this had limited positive results, the line became you do not have a problem because the trans is performing as designed and there will be no fix.

    This is shabby treatment from a company that can and has done better. If they do not fix this, this will be my first and last Lexus. My wife was close to getting an SC430 (now will get an XK8) and I wanted to follow the RX330 with a new generation GS430. Not now.....

  7. I am brand new to this forum and one of the many with a new RX330 who is suffering from the package of trasmission issues and problems (and fly by wire throttle problems as well). My local dealer now tells me that the current party line from Lexus is to not expect a fix...and they are still giving me the old "(i)t is performing as designed" speech. My retort is that a !Removed! designed as a !Removed! is still a !Removed!.

    Is there any positive news on this issue? Is a fix coming? Is there a new transmission coming in the '05?

    Thanks for the help and info.

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