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Posts posted by skitch23

  1. Hi! I went to start my 2006 IS 350 last night and it was sluggish to turn over. Same thing again this morning, only worse. My car will have its 4th birthday next week & doesn't quite have 50,000 miles on it yet. Obviously my problem is the battery is dying, but I have already replaced the battery on it twice, so this will be the 4th battery in 4 years! Granted I live in Arizona so the life expectancy on an 84mo battery is only about 24-36mos, but could there be something else wrong with my car that is draining the battery more rapidly?? I don't do anything out of the norm as far as leaving on electronics or lights. I just start my car, drive to where I'm going and then shut it off. Since my warranty is set to expire next week I am concerned that there will be ongoing issues that will end up coming out of my pocket :(

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