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Posts posted by GS_Pilot

  1. would anybody know if the nav can be added on to an 06 GS from the lexus dealer.

    I can't imagine why anyone would want a GPS from Lexus. Spend a couple hundred and get a Garmin and you will be much happier. Buying a GS with the navigation in the vehicle was the worst purchase I ever made.

    I wholeheartedly agree. I've cussed the Lexus system ever since I bought the car new. I still can't believe that an inexpensive Garmin will run circles around the Lexus Nav, but it does, hands down. To add insult to injury, when I updated the maps, I lost the 'override' capability and now I despise the system even more. It amazes me that such a fine piece of equipment would use as such a sorry system! I don't know if the next generation nav is any better, but it will play a big part in the next purchase decision.

    This is my sixth Toyota/Lexus, all but one were bought new, and this Nav system is enough to make me go to Brand X.

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