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Posts posted by PaulES300

  1. I was wanting to find out if there was an interest in putting together a meet/gathering for March or April 2005. Please let me know if you're interested.

    Any ideas on where to meet/drive would be greatly appreciated.

    If interested please give your basic location (city), and any other suggestions.

    THanks in advance!

    Paul Snyder

    Norman, OK

  2. I got the duplicates I needed.

    My local Lexus dealer wanted $70 for a non-remote duplicate and it would take 3 days turnaround, not to mention over 2 hours round trip two times just to order then to pick it up.

    Fortunately, my local locksmith had Lexus blanks as well as a laser cutter. I got the duplicates made for $29 each! I am very happy to say the least. I couldn't care less about the remote feature for the duplicates, I just wanted spares to leave at the house in case I needed them.

  3. First of all, I DID try to do a search for "key" and "blank keys" with no success.

    I was wondering if anyone had used the Lexus key blanks. I'm talking about the ones on Ebay that have the "L" logo but no remote feature. I know you can get them at the dealership for $200 and up, but I really don't need the remote feature, just a couple of spare keys. If I were to buy one of these "blanks", would I be able to take it to the dealership and have it cut? Or can any retail key copier cut these?

    I just don't want to buy something that will be useless.


  4. Hello, I'm new to the forum and had a question regarding the quality of the "BULLDOG SECURITY" remote starter. This was given to me as a gift a couple of years ago but I never installed it. It states that it is the world's #1 remote starter but it looks like one of the cheaper brands. Has anyone tried this brand? I did a search and several people recommended using Viper or something a little more expensive if possible. Any info would be helpful!

    By the way, I have a 1996 ES300.


    Paul Snyder

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