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Posts posted by Pepita

  1. I went to the dealership yesterday and test-drove an rx350, the overall feeling was very good! The only thing I notice was when I drove it over around 50-55mph, there seems some wind/air (noise) coming into the car. I tried to turned off all fans, and the noise became more noticeable. I would say if I turn the radio loud enough, that sound can be covered. The sales was blaming on the hood deflector but I really doubt it since the noise was not coming from the front.

    Does anyone experience that?

    I definitely had noise coming in through the windows. the dealership mechanic adjusted the windows and window seals and now, about a month or so later, one of the windows is making a noise like is out of track...especially when going down and brings up a gooey paste :-( definitely going back in!

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