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Posts posted by mdevers49

  1. We just got a 2005 Gx last Sat. I noticed that when we got home the car made a hissing sound.

    The next time it did it I saw the car go down a little in the rear along with the hiss. On this last Fri.

    I took my wife to work and when we stopped at a light the car felt like it dropped three times..

    The hissing and lowering is normal after you've stopped and everyone has gotten out of the car. The GX has a pneumatic suspension that pressurizes and depressurizes to maintain a correct ride height.

    The dropping sensation at a stop light might be the "clunk" but it's hard to say for sure. Our 2006 GX had mild clunk symptoms until we got the fix applied. The easiest way to reproduce the problem was drive to a stop. After coming to a complete stop count to three... and then you'd hear the clunk and feel like you just got lightly rear-ended.

    Apparently it was much worse on earlier models. Since we got the fix, I haven't noticed it at all.

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