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Posts posted by MMbutPatient

  1. Funny how things are very much the same. I took my 90,000 miles 2004 GX 470 for a new timing belt and other work (over $2,000) and was told this morning by the service rep about a pinhole leak and white crustation in the radiator. They quoted $1025 for part ($890) and labor ($135). I turned the work down because I haven't had any overheating problems and, like others, no leaks whatsoever. Quite frankly, I thought I was being "taken" by the dealer so I came to this blogsite to learn of others' experience with radiators.

    It appears to be a common problem but I hope I get advance notice of if and when the radiator ultimately breaks down. $890 for a radiator! It must be made with precious metals or liquid gold antifreeze.

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