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Posts posted by maniaco02

  1. Hi, I posted this reply in another thread, maybe it may help you, I wish, Good Luck

    Hello everyone, this is my first post.

    I also own a 98 GS300 since November and I encountered that Issue 3 times already. Living In canada and getting pretty cold weather, one morning I got stuck in snow and gave a bit too much on the gas pedal. That was the first time these Lights came on, I also noticed that the VSC control really got off since I could drift in the road pretty easily. It reseted after I got the motor to off for a good time, couple of hours. Hapenned to me 2 others times, when I tried to accelerate really fast from a stop.

    I went to the deal and talked with some mecanicians. One of them had already seen this problem 2 times he said. He says it's probably the abs pump in the main abs control computer (if I can say so) that is getting aged and tired. However this cannot just be changed, it requires the change the whole module, which is around 3000$ CAN.

    To myself, this looks like a good explanation to my problem, would make sense since it happens when I ask a lot of power to the car. I hope this helped you, if however it happened in the same circomstance as I had. Sorry for my bad english.

    Good Luck !

  2. Hello everyone, this is my first post.

    I also own a 98 GS300 since November and I encountered that Issue 3 times already. Living In canada and getting pretty cold weather, one morning I got stuck in snow and gave a bit too much on the gas pedal. That was the first time these Lights came on, I also noticed that the VSC control really got off since I could drift in the road pretty easily. It reseted after I got the motor to off for a good time, couple of hours. Hapenned to me 2 others times, when I tried to accelerate really fast from a stop.

    I went to the deal and talked with some mecanicians. One of them had already seen this problem 2 times he said. He says it's probably the abs pump in the main abs control computer (if I can say so) that is getting aged and tired. However this cannot just be changed, it requires the change the whole module, which is around 3000$ CAN.

    To myself, this looks like a good explanation to my problem, would make sense since it happens when I ask a lot of power to the car. I hope this helped you, if however it happened in the same circomstance as I had. Sorry for my bad english.

    Good Luck !

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