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Posts posted by atl_raj

  1. How do they know the leak is in the gas tank cover? It could be anywhere... Don't they have some type of smoke machine to test for leaks?

    I am not sure what process they take when a customer comes in with this issue ? All I know, the mechanic came and checked the gas cap first -- I wonder if putting 87 grade gasoline makes any difference ?

    This is really annoying and pathetic. Not even 1k on the odo and *lights galore*.

  2. I had the same issue. Bought my car 2 weeks ago, have less than 1k .. and Check ENGINE, VSD light came on.

    I took it to the dealer; he initially checked the gas cap which was shut air tight .. then they took it inside and I am pretty sure that they probably reset the cpu. Now my question is, Are you putting premium gasoline or just regular 87 ? Let me know what grade of gasoline do you use ?

    **This is my first Lexus, less than 2 weeks old and already a freaking ENGINE sign**

    I don't know if I am so sure about the brand now.

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