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Posts posted by smokingrezel

  1. If you didn't have a vibration with your old tires, take your car back to the store that sold and installed the new ones. They should be able to figure this out. Maybe they didn't balance them correctly -- certainly would not be the first time this has happened.

    yes, I went back to the store and all tires were re checked

    as result driver tire was off balance - as I was told - not by much, but enough that Lexus car feels vibrations (too delicate car) - it was explained to me

    3 others were perfect

    strange as the store has balancing machines - why not to do it in the 1st time?

    after re balancing was done I don't feel vibration as it was before, but I didn't ride much - just got back home through traffic

    will ride more tomorrow to be sure it's gone

    It could be a tire out of round, I have notice this more and more with tires sold today. If the ballancing is not the issue, I would take back and make them check for high spots.

  2. price adjusted, thanks SW

    the more I think about selling it, the more I just want to keep it HAHA even if i dont drive it much...such a nice car

    I just picked up an 2001 with 65K on her for 11K cash! so this in my opinion was a good price. I looked at the 14K cars all day long and did not even pay attention to the 17K cars because they are over priced.

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