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Strange Starter Problem?


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A few times recently when I would go to turn the car on, it wouldnt crank over.. it wouldnt even try. After i attempted 3-6 times it would turn over and everything would be fine for a few days..

Well, today I went to turn my car on, and it did the thing mentioned above. So i tried again and this time it was a half turn over, and after a stutter for a second or two, it finally completely turned up and was running.

Well, i arrive at my destination, and i goto shut the car off, turn key back and remove key, however it sounds like the car is trying to start. The starter is continually trying to start the car. So i put the key back in and turn over (not to the point of starting the car, but in the on position past accessory, and the car started. I attempted to shut the car off again, and it did the same thing. Trying desperatly to shut the car off, i do this a couple times, and notice a really wierd smell. and notice smoke. After a minute, the battery im guessing is almost dead as its getting slower and less loud on the turnover. At this point there is alot of white smoke coming from my hood, and i open it, and see the exact spot in which is causing the smoke, but dont know what part it is. It appears to be attached to th engine block on the same side as the battery, and is kinda cylindrical in shape. I couldnt tell (didnt study to much) which wires were connected to it. Someone mentioned that usually one of the + leads from the battery usually connects to the started, this i didnt know until after i wasnt by my car anymore.

Im thinking this is the celenoid and starter, but could be wrong, any input?


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  • 4 months later...

Have the same problem.

The Solenoid in the starter is continually engaging the plunger which is cranking the engine.

I managed to remove the battery terminal connection prior to any damage being caused.

I don't believe this is an isolated problem. The solenoid is a result of something else.

My wife tried to stop the engine, but it would keep running.

I was going to remove the starter and get it overhauled, but have decided to take it to an Auto-electrician to test the ignition barell and the Park switch.

Will let you know if I find anything outside of the solenoid issue.

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