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Everything posted by reverend_sean

  1. thanks for the advice. i ended up putting on new plugs, wires, cap and rotor. it did the trick. pretty much all of the plugs were sitting in water! it was such a pain since the NA intake has to be removed, but boy was my 120k throttle body dirty! it needed a good cleaning anyways. thanks for the advice again! sean PM me if anyone in KY/cinncy wants to get together to hang sometime.
  2. didn't cover the alternator, but the multi meter says its charging fine. i really don't want to play with the intake tomarrow! such a pain
  3. I did not replace the cap because it looked fine, i did replace the rotor. AWJ, what do you mean by 'Next is button'? I will do new cap, plugs, and wires tomarrow. It looks like a real PITA to take apart the intake. Are there any gaskets i need to get? i only have a print out from MKIV.net on how to do the procedure on a supra. As far as the diag, i did it on both Diag ports (under hood and then under dash) and i bridged TE and TE1. I found discriptions on different websites. One said make the connection and then start the car, the other said start the car and then make the connection. any of the four ways i tried it, it still had the constant flash. Is that the default if the ECU doesn't detect codes. Everyones help has been fantastic, don't try to get help on supra sites, they don't seem very open! yes, i am in Louisville, KY...all of 4 months now and loving it!! sean (sorry about the long windedness)
  4. I already took the dist cap off a few days ago. it was nice and dry, but the rotor looked like it had been chewed up where it makes contacts to the points(?) in the cap. i put a new after market rotor on and it is still the same. the car will run, but it won't really drive and it seems like it is running on only 5 (or so) cylinders. any ideas, thanks a million for the help
  5. Hi everyone, i am brand new to this forum. I just purchased a '95 sc300, it is a little beat up and dirty, but a great car nonetheless. i decided to scrub the engine bay and now it won't run. I didn't use a pressure washer, just a normal hose. the ecu is showing no codes (when i connect the TE and TE1 pins the CEL just constantly flashes with no pattern). how do i check the AFM and how do I find out if the problem is the coil packs? i really appreciate any help, the car has been down for 2 days and i miss it. sean
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