Just becuase they design a AT does not mean they know anything on fluid. They still push oil drains that are 10+ years old..BONG...Toyota does not make fluids. They buy them and rebadge them.
I do not put much faith in mfg on fluids or anything. They write manuals that bean counters write, not engineers.
YMMV, but if you think Toyota fluid is great, that is wonderful. I would tell anyone to test it compared to Amsoil or any other "top tier" fluids. Look at what gives you more, it an't toyo.
Lastly, if toyo fluid was so good why did my car shifter smoother etc with a non-toyo fluid? PLus warranty is a non issue. Not going into it for like the 1,000,000,000 time.
If you like toyo sold fluid, keep using it. I will use other since Toyo quality it not what it once was.