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Everything posted by mburnickas

  1. This problem is old news and a new EGR is not going to be free unless the car is CPO lexus (within its time). Also this EGR is not related to sludge in the oil.
  2. Hurts to look at it. I have not put that much money in my ES since I got it!
  3. Nice but it is a Concept Car. Maybe I am wrong here, but most times, the CC never make it onto the market.
  4. You answered your own question. Most, generally, stop working at 100-120,000 miles anyways. They really should be replaced every 100. ← I know I might sound like a broken record, but watch out when doing this, adding fuel adds to gas, cleaned Ivac or throttle bodies. Basically, you will see some things show up in oil tests, which mine did and is normal. Just some FYI.
  5. My EGR went last year on my 1998. I clean the Ivac and throttle body a few months ago..it was BAD! I pix for ya! http://home.comcast.net/~94gsxr1100/lexus/tb_clean.jpg
  6. You should be able to do these yourself for about $300 to 400
  7. No but close. :D It is Chicopee about 12 to 15 minutes from here. Same with my old man at westover. Good old SAC Our City has Barnes base. Just A-10 but F15 might be moving in. ← Oh I went to elementary school in Chicopee back in 1956 to 1959 ← About the same time as my pops I think...The base is still hopping with C5's!
  8. I would run some gas cleaner in the gas; then changed the oil after that tank is dry.
  9. We have pretty severe winters here in Toronto & I use Amsoil ASL 5W 30 year round in my 01 ES. I don't see the need to use both a 5W 30 & 10W 30 for the different seasons. Stick with the one you find works best for your car & use it all year. B) ← I agree if you are using a PAO or Easter based oil. Dino & manybe some group 3 oil, no. I might try Amsoil Series 3000 on my next long drain. There ASL works good but I want to see if NOX, OXD get lower with this oil. And see if TBN stays higher and maybe some wear metals.
  10. I agree it works but I am also very careful on when I add products to my tank (gas) now. They will end up in the oil and will show up in oil tests. So that being stated I would add them BEFORE and very close to doing an oil change.
  11. Yea, I flipped out on the service lady and even called Lexus Corp on it. In the end, I said I spent the money to drive a leather lexus not a $1 bottle of fake cherry smell, over powering to boot! Freaking clowns that do that...... I like the Griots garage leather sent. Just like new. Little 4 oz bottle is about 1/8 gone after 3 years!
  12. I must agree with you. I ONLY take my car in for about 4 things; water pump, timing belt, cam/crank seals and drive belts. Other then that, I will do it; unless it is a huge reowrk. The other stuff is easy. I must also agree. When my EGR last year went out under warranty, some clown washed the complete car with a sponge that I think had rocks in it; or it looked that way. So 5 hours to clay, buff & polish. So from then on, I teel the service people do not touch the paint on the car. Also I told them to not spray the fake cherry interior smell.
  13. Persoanlly I would just buy OEM pads (Front and rear) for like $73 +/- $3 and call it a day. The rotors is a toss up since my last set of Brembo's (another auto I owned) warped after about 2,000 miles and into the trash they went. I think the Brembo's were like $45 each or OEM like $75 each. then again you could also turn the rotors if they are within limits. But why do you need new rotors only after 93,000 miles? As Toysrme stated do the flush of brake fluid. I do it every year if I can, if not; every 2. I also only use 3 on cars and 4 on my bike. Since I get the DOT 3 in 32 oz and never can find DOT 4 that big; only 8 oz bottles.
  14. No but close. :D It is Chicopee about 12 to 15 minutes from here. Same with my old man at westover. Good old SAC Our City has Barnes base. Just A-10 but F15 might be moving in.
  15. What is the fuel capacity of a 747? ← I think, again think it is around 57K gallon.You would think since I design this crap I would know!!! I called a guy at Boeing and the fuel rates at cruise are 24,000 lb per hour (4 engines). Take off is about 2.5 times that. Just driving around (taxi) is like 8,000 lb per hour... I can't tell you stuff on some military so do not ask! :D
  16. Fair enough & I agree. B) ← Looks like the numbers from the original post on Amsoil are a little off, more like out there! (too high). Just FYI, ZDDP in oil come down some due to EPA issue, not "voluntarily ". You should see Boron, moly etc go up to compensate. Also the guy did hit some good points like pour point etc, which I have been saying for years. But then the reading states, "In fact, synthetic oils have been guaranteed for 25,000 miles or one year since 1972 for AMSOIL" which is incorrect. If anyone thinks right from the start amsoil can got 25K miles, good luck!
  17. I love mine...Can record data, print out data, more stuff then I need. http://buy1.snapon.com/products/diagnostic...=EESC307A&qty=1
  18. Bren, you're kidding, right? Directional tires don't come in left and right versions. However, the tire guy has to pay close attention to arrows on the side wall. jbarhorst2 is correct, they just have to unmount it, flip the rim over and remount it. ← Unless they are directional and asymmetric. ;) One of my friends has a set like this and rotating/flipping is out of the question. ← You are correct but the end users (including myself) see the tires with Left and right. I guess the arrow was not dummy proof enough. I wonder when or if bi-lingual is next?
  19. 7500 looks a little weak in Ca and zddp. I still do not get the moly at around 120 ppm. There SuperSyn looks better hence a higher price. There Ca, TBN and Zddp are higher. Then again, there EP oils are not high in ZDDP here. I still think they have high boron to pull it through long drains. They did bring Moly down in the EP oils like Amsoil did years ago. Again, they have the ash in the oil! Do not get it. Based on the numbers I would use and going to try a diesel oil in my Lexus. Going to try Amsoil Series 3000 5w-30. More adds in the oil, better for resisting OXD and NOX.
  20. Also what oil are you talking about? Mobil 1 does not have a oil named full sync here. There have suv, delvac, 7500, dive clean, EP etc.
  21. My 1998 ES300 battery lasted till last year when it go weak, not dead. Got an Optima and wow, unreal how fast it cranks! Like an ES on the "X"??? Also the oil will not effect starting here. You could but corn oil in the engine and still crank fine. YOu should notice the oil will get black fairly quick since the add pkg is working. I would drain sooner then nromal, then go back to your normal drains.
  22. Crazy????I have been designing parts (ECS, vains, blades, air systems, fuel sysmtems etc) and when you see the guys on the shop floor dropping a fuel control, or doing some other crazy things here. It is not rocket science here. Yes, there is a lot of good things but there are a lot of things that are a mess. I have been on the JSF program since 2000. Lets just say it has MAJOR problems. Also did you know there military aircraft have 2 to 4x more backups then commerical. Commerical specifications are not even close to the testing etc that military needs to go through. .
  23. That is a lot of wasted $$ and time as you stated. And I thought my $45 per year was alot.....I just finished yet another 1-year drain on my ES! Been doing 1-year drain on my gsxr1100 since new along with my tractor Then again, I can’t stand Wal-!Removed! either. Your fluid should be red as the day you put it in. IO checked my last month, over 1 year old and looks the same and smells the same as new fluid! Not draining till Spring or summer.
  24. I would assume that the bumper has to be painted, clear coated etc? Then the doors and hood will need to be blended?
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