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Posts posted by Lesley1020

  1. I tried to clean the speed sensor and did a swap.

    I tested both sensors following the procedure described by lenore.

    But it didn't give any improvement.

    The grinding sound is still noticeable (loud), especially when the engine is still cold.

    It sounds softer when it reach operating temp.

    I guess the problem is inside the tranny, not the sensor.

    So probably I'll decide just to rebuild it. (For peace of mind)

    Thanks for your help

    Did you drain the fluid, drop the pan and clean it? Although we changed the speed sensors, the drain and fill (dropping the pan to clean) was what got rid fo the noise. The speed sensors gave us smoother shifting. I think the hesitation is gone between 2nd and 3rd also. But if you havent already, do the drain and fill before a rebuild!

  2. I tried to clean the speed sensor and did a swap.

    I tested both sensors following the procedure described by lenore.

    But it didn't give any improvement.

    The grinding sound is still noticeable (loud), especially when the engine is still cold.

    It sounds softer when it reach operating temp.

    I guess the problem is inside the tranny, not the sensor.

    So probably I'll decide just to rebuild it. (For peace of mind)

    Thanks for your help

    Did you drain the fluid, drop the pan and clean it? Although we changed the speed sensors, the drain and fill (dropping the pan to clean) was what got rid fo the noise. The speed sensors gave us smoother shifting. I think the hesitation is gone between 2nd and 3rd also. But if you havent already, do the drain and fill before a rebuild!

  3. I would definitely do it! That was the first step we took and it eliminated the noise, the reverse shifting problem and there was also an overall improvement. We're doing another one this weekend after replacing the sensors this week We ordered those from Rock Auto yesterday and they will be here tomorrow. After you clean them, be sure and identify which ones you have. There are Aisian and Toyota ones. You can get the Aisian ones for $30 a piece - $70 for the Toyota each. We unfortunately had the Toyota :rolleyes: but it's still worth a try if it fixes the problem. They will also refund if you need to.

    I have a coupon code for 5% discount at Rock Auto if anyone is interested.

    Thank you!

    I'll try the speed sensors this weekend, and I'll update with the result.

    The oil looks clean and fresh to me and doesn't smell burned. I don't know if I should do the drain and refill. May be I'll ask the previous owner if he have done it before.

  4. I just bought 1999 RX300 2 weeks ago, from a friend. It has 161000 on the odometer. Today, I have it checked by my trusted mechanic, he told me that it has problem with the tranny. Well, I already suspected it when I drove it to work. It kind a slip, and often it shifted to a lower gear for no good reason. :huh:

    He told me it might cost me between 2K to 3K to replace with a rebuild. For now I can drive it until it completely failed. He can't tell when will it happen. So, of course this is not very comforting, I wouldn't dare to drive it out of town.

    What should I do? Is there anything that can be done before the expensive replacement?

    Any suggestion from you folks will be appreciated.

    Check out these two threads:



    We are still having a slight problem between 2nd and 3rd but it's overall a great improvement after doing what the folks on here suggested. We are replacing the speed sensors this week are hopeful it may work. If it doesn't I would much rather spend such a low $$$ amount on ruling it out before the worst case scenario. It seems that doing several drain and fills and either cleaning or replacing the speed sensors has helped many people. It's worth a try!

    Good luck.

  5. I don't have to worry about this any more I hope as I traded my 2000 in for a 2008, but if it is this easy to clean these maybe it should be a job done more often by the home DIYer. I would have no problem doing this at the 20-30K tranny oil drain and refill. Just a suggestion to those that still are worried.

    It was definitely easy to do! Unfortunately we are still having the 2nd/3rd problem, but it's not as bad and we're going to order the replacements tomorrow and get them put in ASAP.

    Thanks again to all who responded and helped us!

  6. I did not go with the $28 ones, but with $61 Aisins with full manufacturer warranty. I've just checked on their website, but it was not listed anymore. They were probably out.

    I just need to clarify that you bought 2 of the same part number even though Rock Auto lists that there is only one in the car. Would you still have the part # ? And once again what did you remove to get at them?



    1.) Yes, 2 identical sensors BECK/ARNLEY Part #0905024. Inside the box, the sensors are labeled with Toyota genuine parts sticker #89413-24010

    2.) Remove air filter box

    It seems like they have only 2 of these left in stock. Does anyone know if this particular part # would work for a 2001 RX300 also? I've tried googling our year and the part specifically and don't come up with anything else.

  7. I would definitely try those sensors on my own before I went to any "Trusted" transmission shop. Of course I don't have any facts but I would bet that 99.999% of cars diagnosed at a transmission shop need a rebuilt transmission. They are in business to make money and also to have satisfied customers. It hard to make either target by cleaning/swapping/replacing sensors that are questionable. Time is money. If you had a diagnostic code that indicated a sensor failure, that is a different story. You don't have a code, so we are dealing with questionable parts. The sensors list for about $100 each. So if a shop were to change both and also charge $100 to $200 labor and it did not fix the problem, you would not be happy.

    We were just talking about this, this morning and discussed the sensors. It got so late last night when we started this, it was too dark to do more than just the drain and fill etc.

    So, we'll do as you suggest and try the sensors on Sunday. Do you still suggest switching them (wasn't sure, since the reverse problem is gone), or just cleaning them off with a qtip and then replacing them if that doesn't work?

    Micah (my husband) has done all kinds of repairs on our vehicles through the years, but he is a little nervous of transmissions other than the basic maintenance... and we just weren't sure what to expect as far as how complex (if at all) this is and how long it will take etc.

    Thanks again for your continued advice. This is a great place and we've found some wonderful tips on other more minor things regarding this vehicle which we would dearly like to keep if at all possible.

  8. Please dont do a flush, just a drain and fill, You could drop the tranny pan and see if there is metal in there. If there is, move to the next step. Some light debris on the magnets is normal. See this post for more info than you want to know, great pictures and what to expect:


    Make sure to use nothing other than Toyota Type IV fluid, there are no substitutes.

    Update: Did the drain and fill, changed filter/gasket, dropped the pan and there was some slight debris, nothing more. The whirring noise is completely gone, code 770 is gone. Just took it for a relatively short drive. Reverse is working and it's only lunging slightly between 2nd and 3rd now. Also noticed on the dash display, light does not display when it's in drive. All others work.

    I'm relieved to see the code and the noise gone at least. Obviously still concerned about the lunging between 2nd and 3rd and I guess we wont be able to trade it in like that (and get a decent price anyway). I will get to the tranny shop at the weekend for a diagnostic and see what they say.

    Thanks so much for your help!


  9. My next question is did you have the Lexus serviced only at Lexus dealerships? If yes, than many on this site have received a good will replacement of the tranny or at least only been charge for the labor (around $1700) which would be a lot cheaper than the $4300 or more. I would call Lexus of America and ask for their assistance, you might be lucky or get the usual sorry its past warranty, eat it answer. Also file a complaint with the NHTSB online, you will need the vin number of the vehicle, We are trying to force the government to do a recall, probably wont happen unless every tranny failure gets reported.

    I did make an official complaint online as you suggested and I have informed 2 more people to do the same thing (I work in a hospital and word gets around, so far have run into 2 other nurses with the same problem.)

    Also, I did not have the vehicle serviced at a Lexus dealership. It was always done timely by my husband or our local shop when he didn't have the time.

    Lexus Memphis service manager told me he is completely unaware of any problems with this transmission in 99, 2000 or 2001 models and regardless of whether it was serviced there or not he would offer absolutely no discount.

    Haven't called the Customer Care line yet. Will do that tomorrow if tonight's efforts fail.

  10. Thanks for the advice! He is going to do that this evening. It only had a problem that one time with reverse though - it's been fine since then.

    He did make it to work with this morning but its getting worse (thankfully work is only 5 mins away). He also bought new fluid etc and is going to do a flush and clean the filter off. We talked to a transmission shop recommended by the Lexus Service Manager (who denies any knowledge of ANY problem with the RX300 transmissions :rolleyes: ) who are willing to come and tow it for free to their shop and run a free diagnostic etc. tomorrow if the same problems continue. The whirring sound is intermittent today.

    Thanks again!

  11. Hi,

    I'm new to this forum and posting for some advice after reading through many of the (very helpful) threads.

    About a week ago when my husband was out of town, when starting my RX300 (2001) I noticed what I can best describe as a "whirring" sound. No other symptoms when driving. Three days later, it seemed to struggle when shifting in lower gears. Yesterday morning it wouldn't reverse. I turned it off, back on again and it reversed no problem. Today, each time I drive it - shifting problems. At one point while I was driving around 45mph it was revving and seemed to be in a lower gear than it needed to be. Pulled over, turned it off, back on again and it was okay.

    This evening, the check engine light came on. When my husband came home he used his code reading computer and it came up with Code 0770 - Shift solenoid malfunction E.

    Earlier today, I called Lexus dealer locally and without seeing the car they told me I needed a new transmission, cost $4,000 + or pointed me to another transmission shop and said I could get a rebuild for around $2,000. I was in total shock, mainly because I know there is no way we can raise that kind of money immediately. My husband got laid off from his job of 10 yrs and only just started a new one.... medical bills etc etc... so we are torn as to what to do.

    Relucant to drive it to the Amco transmission shop as I am afraid it will die completely...

    However, since the code diagnosis 0770 and doing some research, it seems it's possible that replacing the shift solenoid would only run around the 500 mark.

    Has anyone else run into this code and been able to simply replace the solenoid?

    Thanks in advance for any responses.


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