To get that balance where you're not contaminating the maf is way more work than it's worth. How many owners are going to get that right? There have been many posts experiencing probs, whether their fault or not. I say if it aint broke, don't fix it! There may be certain apps where you might want a filter that you can clean and treat instead of replacing, but Lexus isn't one of them, imo.
these owners that won't get it right are the same ones that are too lazy to check their oil and burn up their engines.... if you take the time to clean and reoil your filter and clean you maf sensor regularly... no problems.....
Hey flop, this topic has been threaded to death. So let's agree to diagree, and allow "each to his own" and happy we'll hope he'll be! :D
i agree... but i'm just saying it hasn't been proven that these filters hurt the life of a motor...