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    traded 07 RX400H for 08 GS450H

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  1. I probably had more than that, I am in the habit of rolling down the windows and listen to the radio while I work in the garage but the 400H has an undersized battery. I traded the 400H for a 450H and it has a bigger batter which is located in the trunk. The battery in the GS450H did go dead right after I got the car but it was due to a defective battery. The battery was replaced back in July or Aug of 08 and I haven't had a problem since even though the car sits in the driveway for a week or longer. To give you an idea how little I use the car. I got the car mid June of 08, the car has made 4 (nine hundred mile each way) round trips between SC an NY plus a few one hundred mile trips between Long Island and Stamford CT which total somewhere around 4,000 miles. I hace a little over 5,000 miles on the car since June so between June and now I have only put on a bit over 1,000 miles on the car. If I only put on about 150 miles a month the car sits in the drive way a lot but even with such little usage the batter does not run down after sitting for a week or more without being used
  2. A little off topic but before I moved to SC I lived on Long Island and about 10 years ago I leased a new Mercedes E320 convertable from Rallye. If they run the Lexus service department half as well as they ran the Mercedes would still be great. I can't say a negetive thing about the way I was treated at Rallye
  3. This is not normal, but could be simply a depleted 12V battery. If you were working on it for several hours or drained the battery with a short, then you will see this kind of behavior due to low voltage. Try to jump start it. It is normal, I had a RX400H that would always go dead the RX400H has (in my opinion)an undersized battery. I now have a GS450H and they seemed to have put in a biger battery in the GS
  4. I have always started right out with every car I have owned, the whole warm up thing really does an enging more harm than good. Even if you do eake the time to warm up you engine you still ned to drive slowly to allow the rest of the moving parts in the drive train to warm up. Sitting and allowing the engine to idle not only is a waste of gas it may also cause the engine oil to wear out sooner.
  5. I have never heard of this tip before until I came across it the other day, It seems so obvoius I feel stupid for not thinking of it before I read it. The ICE will always rund the first few minutes at start up to get the fluids up to temp. So it makes sense to try to run the battery down as low as possible before parking it for the night. It is better to try to drop to battery only speeds when you are near home to run it down because if you return home with a full battery the next morning ICE will be running at start up without adding much to the hybrid battery
  6. Yes, actually there is.... So as to not discomfort you with a RUSH of still cold airflow most systems will not activate the blower motor until the coolant temperature rises to ~130F.... UNLESS you use the defrost/defog/demist mode. But at the same time most systems will allow you to over-ride the "delay" but turning the blower speed up manually.... Additionally many systems will activate immediately if you set the temperatrue to MAXIMUM. But then this latter procedure will REALLY be discomforting as you will get the HIGHEST blower speed and COLD airflow ASAP. One does wonder why, along with the adoption of the electric compressor, another $10 wasn't spent to put in a refrigerant flow reversing valve and have a HEAT PUMP. I know I am just a girl, but the extra ten buck would not change the laws of physics would it? The ac draws heat from the cabin and vents it outside via the expansion of a liquid into a gas (refrigerant). So you are saying that if we reverse it and pull heat out of the ambient air and put it into the cabin we would get warmer? Aren't they both the same temperature when you start you car in the morning? Tell me how this would work. I'm interested. BTW my 99 corvette 'vert has a HUD and it is great for keeping an eye on your speed while being followed by cops. I can't imagine why they follow me. LOL! My lex is to keep the miles down on the 'vette. They get pretty worthless when the reach 50,000 miles. Trying to keep her mint! My Corvette had way more than 50,000 miles when I bought it and it seems to be going up in value. By the way I had a 98 and a 96 Vette but I had to get rid of one to make room for the 62 I bought so I got rid of the 98, I happen to like the C4 body more than the C5 body style
  7. In addition, if you have access to 110v extention cord near your parking, get a block heater. BOOM. Heat, right now. We keep ours on a timer so it only turns on a few hours before we're up-an-attum. It (along with blocking the grill) keeps our winter mpg up higher too. My car heat comes up fast enough for my needs but if you aren't happy with the delay other than a heated garage a plug in heater is your only / best option
  8. I noticed a problem with the fog lights also. Mine work as they were intended to work, but in my opinion they should work independently of the headlights, the lexus fog lights aren't real fog lights. Real fog lights are located lower to the ground. Regular lights reflect off the fog and are ineffective, but properly designed light are aimed below the fog layer and are able to provide better visibility in fog. Having them at the same height as the headlights is poor design, having the headlights on at the same time is plain stupid
  9. No sure I understand your problem. If you want to pre-set a station to 88.0, just tune to that station and press a pre-set key of your choice until it beeps. The problem is that I can tune it to stations with only odd numbers like 88.1 88.3 88.5 etc. thats because in USA they use only odd numbers for radio stations so the tuners doesnt stop at 88.0 88.2 etc. I am wondering if there is a way to program it differently. My guess is that it would be something that would require a trip to the dealer.
  10. I found that feature very annoying when I first got my RX. I got the RX in NY a few days before I drove to the house I bought in TX to spend winters . I didn't have the time to read he owner's multi volume set of books I got with the car. A few days after I got the car I packed it full with a bunch of stuff and headed off the TX house to spend the winter. So when the lights came on and the display got dim I had a hard time seeing my map display and had no choice but to start pushing and turning controls while i drove to make the display viewable. There wasn't a safe lace to pull over to do it. I got the display back to day mode by turning the dash lights to full on but created another problem, the darn dash lights are too bright. The more I use the NAV the more I hate it, I have a built in factory NAV but find it necessary to keep my Garmin on the dash because the Lexus unit is pure poo poo. Not only is it annoying to not be able to use the NAV while the car is moving, the maps aren't all that good. Last year I sold both my NY house and TX house and moved to Anderson SC and I depend on the NAV unit to find my way around. I can't count the times I programed the Lexus to go to an address and discovered the Lexus took me miles out of the way because the streets that took me on the shortest route did not exist on the Lexus map. I now use the Garmin map exclusively but it ticks me off that I paid extra for a NAV unit that is inferior to an aftermarket on and I am forced to have a NAV on the dash partially blocking my vision. The funny thing is I am now on my second Lexus so I knew the limitations of the NAV when I switched from the RX400H to the GS450H but I still wound up with another Lexus because the Lexus is probably one of the best cars I have ever owned. If I had the choice to do it over I would get the NAV again because of the camera, and the cool display for the hybrid battery. But when the lease runs out I may look at other makes to find one with a NAV that works when the car is moving and also one that isn't missing a lot of streets. The new car market is very competitive, if Lexus can't give the customer what they want they will lose sales to companies that are able to give us what we want By the way these streets are not new developments, they have been around for years so they should be in the data base. Congratulations on the Lexus they make a great car and I am sure you will love it, I just wish they made a NAV equal to the standards of the car. PS I did buy a lock pick for the RX, but I am not going to spend more money on the GS to be able to use something I already paid for
  11. I just traded My 07 RX for an 08 GS and it has a blue "L" Front and back. I was told that all the hybrids have the blue"L" but that may just be the GGS and not the RX hybrids. PS I was told they are very expensive to replace, and that they are a target of young thieves
  12. It is in the upper right coner of the spare tire storage area. lift up the rear cover to the tool tire compartment. and you should have no problem finding it. When you upgrade to the new version you won't be able to use the NAV while the car is moving.
  13. Lockpick has nothing to do with Ipod connectivity. It just let's you enter a new Nav destination and use the cellphone via bluetooth (not sure if that is for all models and generations) while the vehicle is moving. 2006 RX has Gen. 4 Nav. You do not need lockpick to use a bluetooth cell phone. As long as you dial the number from the cell, or use the voice dial the cell will work fine while the car is moving. The lock pick I had still required you to stop the car to dial usig the NAV screen First, Lockpick DOES have something to do w/ Ipod connectivity. The ULTIMATE LOCKPICK can TURN ON YOUR VIDEO AND AUDIO INPUTS for use with Video iPOD without the need for adapters. Second, You DO need lockpick to use a bluetooth cell phone ... IF you want to dial your entry right off the MFD, while in motion. That's the main thing of greatness with the lockpick ... you don't HAVE to reach for your phone, and then read tiney buttons on the phone to dial (while watching traffic), or scroll thru the phone's database on who to dial. The Lexus' MFD screen is WAY easier to read for dialing ... both screen buttons, and data base saved phone books. In fact, if you have the older Lexus that lets you bring up map inputs via entering through the maintenance screen, there really IS no reason you'd want a lockpick, except for the phone entry on the fly. My cell phone has voice dial and I just assumed most cells do, if I want to make a call I just say, Mom, Joe, Mary, Pizza ect. I guess if your cell doesn't have voice dial the lock pick would come in handy. Then lock pick I had / have does not do anything for the phone, it didn't matter to me because I hand no use for it
  14. Lockpick has nothing to do with Ipod connectivity. It just let's you enter a new Nav destination and use the cellphone via bluetooth (not sure if that is for all models and generations) while the vehicle is moving. 2006 RX has Gen. 4 Nav. You do not need lockpick to use a bluetooth cell phone. As long as you dial the number from the cell, or use the voice dial the cell will work fine while the car is moving. The lock pick I had still required you to stop the car to dial usig the NAV screen
  15. I have an old lock pick that I removed from the 07 RX400H that was traded in for the GS450H. The only thing it does is allows you to use the NAV, it does not do anything with the phone or radio. If you want it I will sell it cheap. PS the lock pick works but not that well. It give you a few seconds (10 to 20 seconds) to input info, then it blanks out for a few seconds, until it comes on and repeats the cycle over and over till you get all the info entered
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