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Posts posted by silvercorvette

  1. I don't know anything about the 1967 Citroen DS turning headlamp system, but the 07 RX that I had and the 08 gs have are leveling. Simple thing amuse me and whenever I turned on the light facing a wall you could see the headlight moving side to side and up and down till the adjusted themselves. I don't know about the Citroen but the Lexus controlled by steering wheel angle and speed, the lights turn at a greater angle at slower speeds.

    FYI turning headlights have been around for a long time. My friend's father had an antique 1933 Cadillac with turning headlights.

  2. service mechanic are mk2 and mk3 ls 400 paerts for engine the same ithink they are

    I don't have the slightest idea what you are talking about, it could be one of there things

    #1 I don't have enough knowledge about Lexus to understand your question. or

    #2 Maybe you folks in the UK have different ways to describe things that we yanks don't understand. or

    #3 Maybe you are having trouble putting your question into a form that we can understand and maybe a friend can help you rephrase the question

    #4 Maybe it's a matter of perception. Perhaps you can have a friend read and interpret for you. :lol:

    It appears he's asking if the motor parts for the Mk2 and Mk3 LS400 are the same.

    I thought that was covered by #1 :chairshot:

  3. service mechanic are mk2 and mk3 ls 400 paerts for engine the same ithink they are

    I don't have the slightest idea what you are talking about, it could be one of there things

    #1 I don't have enough knowledge about Lexus to understand your question. or

    #2 Maybe you folks in the UK have different ways to describe things that we yanks don't understand. or

    #3 Maybe you are having trouble putting your question into a form that we can understand and maybe a friend can help you rephrase the question

  4. He has been looking for a wood steering wheel for a 03 ES300 but hasen'f had any luck. If anyone knows where he can get one in good condition he is willing to pay $3,000 or maybe up to $5,000 if it is in perfect condition

    Haha, when i first read the post my jaw dropped :P

    If anyone wants the left over pieces, i'll take $100 :lol: Just kidding, they're going on my wall!

    I am glad you have a sense of humor, I was afraid I may have ticked someone off with my little joke so I was a little worried when I posed my little joke. I am glad you weren't offended and enjoyed my attempt a a little humor.

  5. FOR A STEERING WHEEL?????? Someone's going to make a quick buck here. B)

    Didn't someone just buy one for less than $50 on eBay and cut it up??? :rolleyes:

    It was just a little joke that I made up directed at LexKid630, I purposely made the amount ridiculously high so it wouldn’t be taken seriously. I waited a couple days after his post so it wouldn't be right next to the original post

  6. I wouldn't pay much attention to the MPG of a new RX hybrid. I was a little disappointed when the car was new but I was aware of the fact that it takes a few thousand miles before the engine is broken in so I didn't pay much attention to the mileage till I had some miles on the car. I would pretty much ignore the MPG the car got for the first 5,000 miles and consider everything after the the true maximum that the car is capable of getting. Unfortunately I turned in the car after only 17,000 miles and have to start breaking in a new engine all over again.

  7. A couple weeks ago, I wrote:
    If I press the Audio button while I'm driving (and then press "Text" on the touchscreen if I'm not already in that mode) I see artist and song info from the radio on the nav screen.

    I was wrong. This was only working with the HD radio attachment for the Peripheral Electronics iPod kit that I had installed (and have since taken back out, since it sucked).

    With the regular FM radio in my 400h, the behavior is:

    • On the Audio screen in FM mode I see "buttons" for 6 stations on the touch screen. Each shows the frequency and then one word below it. For the station I'm tuned to, the extra info rotates between the station's call letters and each word in whatever text message they're broadcasting -- usually the artist and title info.
    • When I'm not moving, I can touch the "Message" button on the Audio screen and see full artist and title info. As soon as the car starts moving, it blanks them out and shows a message saying they're hidden for my "safety".

    This is very stupid on Lexus's part. If I want to see the song info, it's actually more distracting to watch the Audio screen while each word of the artist and song names cycle through the display. It would make much more sense to let me see the whole thing at once on the "message" screen, where I can see it at a glance and shift my attention back to the road.

    -- Laura, wanting to shoot all the lawyers

    Now you know why I and others are ticked off at Lexus

  8. I was getting 26.9 MPG combinded on my 2006 400h and then all of a sudden the MPG dropped to 23.4. My dealer is telling me that it is because of the ethanol in the gas.
    That could be true, I mentioned this before, but in NY there were signs posted on the pump stating that ethanol will cut MPG. In NY they changed the blend from summer to winter and added ethanol, it was state law to cut pollution by adding it to gas but it cut MPG. That isn't a big change, the change in gas combined the change in driving habits, such as using the AC more could account for the diffrence
  9. Test drive a new one to see if they added anything that you don't have in yours, I got rid of my leased 07 RXH a little over a year early on my 3 year lease. I loved the car but I just didn't need the room of and SUV anymore and I wanted a regular sedan. As much as I loved the RX I love the GS hybrid even more. I am a bit crazy when it comes to cars, just about every one I get I lease because I am always looking forward to getting rid of it and getting a newer model but this GS s the first one I have serious thoughts about keeping when the lease is up. The problem is that in most cases buying back a lease is usually not a good way to buy a car. Go over the numbers and calculate if it would pay to turn in the old lease and purchase a new one. Keep in mind that you will be financing a used car at a higher interest rate while a new car can be bought at a lower percent interest. What are the residuals to buy the old one, does it need tires, battery, brakes how many miles on the old lease, is there something that you don't have on the old one [satellite radio maybe]that you would like to add if you get a new one, do you like the color of the old one or was it something you settled for because that was the only color they had? What about a warranty, can you get an extended warranty on the old one or is it only available with a new car purchase.

    I have been thinking about an extended warrantyt myself with the GS450H I just got. I was thinking about dumping it three years from now but after owning it for a month I love the car so much I am starting to have different thoughts about trading it in when the lease ends.

    The bottom line is do the numbers and drive a new on just to see if they added stuff you may want to have

  10. http://www.dailytech.com/Myth+of+Consensus...rticle12403.htm

    Blog: Science

    Myth of Consensus Explodes: APS Opens Global Warming Debate

    Michael Asher (Blog) - July 16, 2008 9:35 PM


    Viscount Monckton gives a presentation during the 2007 Conference on Climate Change"Considerable presence" of skeptics

    The American Physical Society, an organization representing nearly 50,000 physicists, has reversed its stance on climate change and is now proclaiming that many of its members disbelieve in human-induced global warming. The APS is also sponsoring public debate on the validity of global warming science. The leadership of the society had previously called the evidence for global warming "incontrovertible."

    In a posting to the APS forum, editor Jeffrey Marque explains,"There is a considerable presence within the scientific community of people who do not agree with the IPCC conclusion that anthropogenic CO2 emissions are very probably likely to be primarily responsible for global warming that has occurred since the Industrial Revolution."

    The APS is opening its debate with the publication of a paper by Lord Monckton of Brenchley, which concludes that climate sensitivity -- the rate of temperature change a given amount of greenhouse gas will cause -- has been grossly overstated by IPCC modeling. A low sensitivity implies additional atmospheric CO2 will have little effect on global climate.

    Larry Gould, Professor of Physics at the University of Hartford and Chairman of the New England Section of the APS, called Monckton's paper an "expose of the IPCC that details numerous exaggerations and "extensive errors"

    In an email to DailyTech, Monckton says, "I was dismayed to discover that the IPCC's 2001 and 2007 reports did not devote chapters to the central 'climate sensitivity' question, and did not explain in proper, systematic detail the methods by which they evaluated it. When I began to investigate, it seemed that the IPCC was deliberately concealing and obscuring its method."

    According to Monckton, there is substantial support for his results, "in the peer-reviewed literature, most articles on climate sensitivity conclude, as I have done, that climate sensitivity must be harmlessly low."

    Monckton, who was the science advisor to Britain's Thatcher administration, says natural variability is the cause of most of the Earth's recent warming. "In the past 70 years the Sun was more active than at almost any other time in the past 11,400 years ... Mars, Jupiter, Neptune’s largest moon, and Pluto warmed at the same time as Earth."

    Update 7/17/2008: After publication of this story, the APS responded with a statement that its Physics and Society Forum is merely one unit within the APS, and its views do not reflect those of the Society at large

  11. I have used regular 87 Octane in my 2006 RX400h for two years. for the last 12 months my MPG average is 27.6 (I do not reset so that I can see winter/summer averages over time, but the dealer reset it about a year ago). Using 87 octane I usually do about 8% better in the summer than in the winter for mileage. I tried higher octane for several tanks across the same weekly driving habits and did not get any improvement worth the extra $.20 per gallon. The manual says minimum 87 octane or higher so I am comfortable that there is no extra engine wear due to knock. I have good driving habits. My '99 RX300 averaged 21.0 MPG. I am enjoying the gas savings.
    I've been reading this thread and thought I would put some info up for everyone to consider. The AKI, (Anit-Knock index) or "octane rating" of a fuel ia an average of 2 different methods of computing the fuel's ability to resist engine knock. Regular unleaded as I am sure you are aware has an anti-knock index of 87 and Premium is in the 91-93 octane range. the higher the number, the more anti-knock protection the fuel offers.

    Engine knock happens when the fuel in the cylinder ignites by itself before the spark plug ignites it. The term for that is "pre-ignition". It can sound like marbles rattling in a coffee can , and it generally gets worse the harder you press on the gas pedal. Often times, due to the isolation and more advanced engineering, you probably can't or won't hear this occuring. But rest assured, it is.

    Knocking can indeed damage your engine because what is actually happening is the fuel and air mixture is igniting and exploding, pushing down on the piston before it reaches the top of it's stroke and is free to move downward again. Thus making the engine work against itself. This places large amounts of stress on certian engine components such as pistons, connecting rods and bearings. In some cases knocking can burn holes in pistons and cause head gasket failures.

    The reason for using a higher octane also pertains to the burn rate of the fuel. The higher the octane, the slower it will burn. this is because the fuel is less volatile, and requires more heat to ignite, thus offering more control during the combustion stroke. Your engine was engineered with this in mind.

    If the owners manual says use a higher octane fuel, then listen to what the good book says. You will almost allways see that requirement in higher compression higher performance engines.

    On another note, the "Premium" gasolines does not in itself make it any cleaner than regular gas to burn. Alot of oil companies would like you to believe that thier premium fuels have some special formula used only in thier premium fuels to help clean injectors, remove deposits, restore lost power, and even help with the dishes and clean the windows. the truth is the same amount is put in all thier octane fuels for standard commercial uses.

    Which brings me to my real point here. Sorry if the above is long winded. But what truly amazes me is that the real issue that effects us is the use of alcohol, ( Ethanol) in fuels. It's a much more complex question than which octane fuel to use. Alcohol/gasoline blends may make a car look better in an emissions test, but actually there is alot of debate on the pros and cons of using them, let alone mandating the use of them! As most emissions tests don't take into account that you car will burn more fuel in an ethanol blended fuel. On a per gallon basis, your car will emit fewer pollutants with Ethanol blended gasolines, but on a per mile basis you will burn more fuel, thus offsetting the emissions gain. Which is the more important factor as it just raised the cost of fuel with no benefit. For example, if you get 30 MPG's with straight gasoline, and 28 MPG's with a blended gasoline, for every 1000 miles you drive, you would use just over 2 additional gallons of gasoline then if you used straight gasoline. So, even if the Ethanol blend burned 5% cleaner, (they claim 3-5%), your still actually polluting more with the blended fuel as you burned an additional 7% to acheive that. Not to mention that Ethenol can degrade rubber components such as gaskets and hoses. Most mfgr's have addressed this though. But older cars may not be so well adjusted.

    I realize also we are talking very small %'s here. But, 2% here, 1% there, and your right back to spending the few pennies you think you may be saving along the way, and most people never add the cost of repair to the cost of fuel over the years. Did that head gasket blow for no reason? Did that catalytic converter just need to be replaced because it was just old and worn out? Why is that car not able to put out as much hp anymore? Hmmm, could it all be related to saving 2 dollars a tank on fuel?

    If you don't have x-ray vision you won't see the dammage till it is too late.

    This is what can happen to a piston

  12. If you don't mind a GPS sitting on top of the dashboard get a Garmin. I own a Garmin 7500 and I highly recommend it

    The prices listed are high, you can find them for less money if you do some reasearch


    Get big-time mapping and advanced navigation features for your RV, van or truck with the StreetPilot 7500 and 7200. You won't miss a thing, whether you choose the StreetPilot 7200 with preloaded maps and a huge 7-inch touch screen display or the 7500 with all that plus dead-reckoning.

    Navigate With Ease

    StreetPilot 7500 comes ready to go right out of the box with preloaded City Navigator® NT street maps, including a hefty points of interest (POIs) database with motels, restaurants, fuel, ATMs and more. Simply touch the sunlight-readable color screen or use the remote to enter a destination, and the 7500 takes you there with turn-by-turn voice directions. It even announces the name of exits and streets so you never have to take your eyes off the road. In addition, the 7500 accepts custom points of interest (POIs), such as school zones and safety cameras, and lets you set proximity alerts to warn you of upcoming POIs.

    Add Traffic, Weather and Radio

    With an optional XM antenna and a subscription to XM services, you can check the weather, monitor traffic tie-ups and listen to XM radio when you travel with the StreetPilot 7500 in the U.S. As an alternative, the 7500 can receive optional TMC traffic alerts (in select cities) when used with a compatible traffic receiver. Simply touch the screen to view traffic details or recalculate your route to avoid traffic.

    Stay Entertained

    The StreetPilot 7500 comes with several entertainment features to help keep your journey fun, including built-in MP3 and audio book (subscription to Audible.com required) players. In addition to headphones, you can listen to music and books through your vehicle’s stereo thanks to the 7500’s built-in wireless FM transmitter. Volume levels are speed-adjusted, so it gets louder as speed increases, and audio is muted when navigation instructions are given.

    Connect your camcorder, DVD player or game box to the 7500 to take advantage of its big screen resolution.

    Navigate Without Satellite Signals

    For big city drivers, the StreetPilot 7500 includes dead reckoning capabilities, which means it continues to provide position data if you lose signal in areas with tall buildings or tunnels. Professional installation is required.

    StreetPilot 7500: The big picture in car navigation.


    MapSource City Navigator Europe NT on DVD contains detailed road coverage of major metropolitan areas in Europe. Navigate with confidence having motorways, highways, and residential streets at the tip of your finger. City Navigator Europe NT provides automatic route calculations with turn by turn directions on the PC and on NT compatible Garmin units. The data also contains points of interest such as: food and drink, lodging, border crossings, entertainment, shopping, emergency services, petrol stations and more. City Navigator NT makes looking up an address quick and easy and you can even create your own customized waypoints and routes to meet all of your navigational needs. Let Garmin and City Navigator Europe NT help put the fun back in travel. For a list of products that Garmin recommends with this software, see the product compatibility table located in the upper right-hand corner of the City Navigator Europe NT product page

  13. Which brings me to my real point here. Sorry if the above is long winded. But what truly amazes me is that the real issue that effects us is the use of alcohol, ( Ethanol) in fuels. It's a much more complex question than which octane fuel to use. Alcohol/gasoline blends may make a car look better in an emissions test, but actually there is alot of debate on the pros and cons of using them, let alone mandating the use of them! As most emissions tests don't take into account that you car will burn more fuel in an ethanol blended fuel. On a per gallon basis, your car will emit fewer pollutants with Ethanol blended gasolines, but on a per mile basis you will burn more fuel, thus offsetting the emissions gain. Which is the more important factor as it just raised the cost of fuel with no benefit. For example, if you get 30 MPG's with straight gasoline, and 28 MPG's with a blended gasoline, for every 1000 miles you drive, you would use just over 2 additional gallons of gasoline then if you used straight gasoline. So, even if the Ethanol blend burned 5% cleaner, (they claim 3-5%), your still actually polluting more with the blended fuel as you burned an additional 7% to acheive that. Not to mention that Ethenol can degrade rubber components such as gaskets and hoses. Most mfgr's have addressed this though. But older cars may not be so well adjusted.

    I realize also we are talking very small %'s here. But, 2% here, 1% there, and your right back to spending the few pennies you think you may be saving along the way, and most people never add the cost of repair to the cost of fuel over the years. Did that head gasket blow for no reason? Did that catalytic converter just need to be replaced because it was just old and worn out? Why is that car not able to put out as much hp anymore? Hmmm, could it all be related to saving 2 dollars a tank on fuel?

    I agree 100% on the Ethanol, back in NY we didn't get much choice and we wound up with a summer an winter blend, if you bothered to read the sign on NY pumps it clearly stated they increased the Ethanol for cleaner air but by doing so it would lower your MPGs. It didn't matter because we had no choice, all the pumps were mandated to add Ethanol with the seasonal change. I didn't notice any signs on the pumps when I lived in TX or where I now live in SC. so I assume there is no Ethanol [or a much lower percent] in the gas here except for the E-85 they sell. E-85 is a lot cheaper, I bet some people use it without knowing the car has to be designed for it

    I guess the fact that some states require Ethanol and some don't could account for some people getting better MPG readings than others [assuming they both have the same driving habits]

  14. I've tried to calculate my MPG for both 91 and 87 octane, and found no differences. Any prove out there that premium gas gets better mileage? Please post.

    Also, my manual said premium gas required, it didn't say anywhere about regular as an option. I've looked at it really careful. But I agree with some of you, saving $2-3 per fill is not much, but why throw away that money when I can I spend it where else, unless...of course...it proves to benefit me.

    Anyways, anybody knows anything about Top Tier Gasoline? I have read a lot about it and it looks like they added extra detergine/addictive to the gasoline, maybe it's worth trying? Maybe that is more important in a gasoline than the grade of the gasoline?

    My personal feeling is it is more important to me to buy 93 grade than it is to buy brand name gas. I can get 93 at stopaminit gas for less than it would cost me to buy 87 grade down the road at Shell or another name brand. I honestly don't feel as if I am paying more if I buy no name 93 for less than brand name 87. But I guess a person could make the argument save even more and to buy no name 87 grade

  15. There was an old saying I remember from what my father told me when I was a kid. A guy goes to a Caddy showroom and asks the salesman how many MPG the Caddy gets. The salesman says something like people that can afford a Caddy don't worry about MPG. And now 40~45 years later I hear a similar thing from Lexus owners

    I don't understand why people that drive a Lexus are worried about a ten to twenty cent differential between grades of gas. I consider myself to be cheap. When I moved to SC I searched for the stations with the cheapest gas price [i did the same thing when I lived in TX and NY] and buy my gas there.. I bought gas yesterday and the price was Reg 3.79, med 3.89 and super for 3.99. So every time you buy 10 gallons it only comes out to $2 more between super and regular. To me $2 isn't a big deal and I bet most people leave more than that as a tip when they go out to eat.

    When I lived in NY I saved every soda can and returned it to get my nickel back. I try to be thrifty and use no-name brand gas but it is always 93 octane

  16. The nature of the hybrid system makes wheelspin very dangerous for the system, so the trac systems are overzealous and tend to cut traction to such a degree in certain situations that the car won't move at all.

    It has nothing to do with RWD, AWD, or FWD, its the hybrid system itself. I agree in most situations the Prius is fine in the snow (we drive ours instead of the Lexus in the snow) but if you get in that certain situation the trac system will have you jammed.

    The only time that ever happened with the prius is getting out of a parking spot with more than 6 inches of snow on the ground, honestly I would think the 450h wont use its hybrid system in the snow ( wheel spin is such a concern), since the v6 has plenty of power to move the car alone its.

    I honestly dont think wheelspin is the end of the world for a hybrid system. If it were then the RX 400h could not or should not have its awd system setup the way it is. where the ice and electric motor power the front wheels and electric powers only the rear. the rwd part of the system is only activated under low speeds and low traction situations (starting off from a light or in the snow). The fact that it awd lessens the amount of stress that has to be put on the rear wheels, but I've seen 400h where the rear wheels spin more than a little in the snow ( the 400h was pulled over on the shoulder of 95 during a snowstorm in jan, he was trying to get back into traffic and the rear wheels spun for a good 2-3 sec)

    That sounds like driver error to me, I have seen people do that all the time. When the wheels spin they make things worst by hitting the gas more instead of backing off on the gas.

  17. If you don't mind having your NAV sitting on top of the dashboad I would buy a Garmin. I got fed up with a NAV that doesn't work when the car is moving, and bought a lockpick, but I already owned the Garmin because I bought it for my Jeep Grand Cherokee that didn't have a built in NAV. Garmin makes their units in a wide rang of prices {the more you pay the more it will do}. The Garmin 7500 has the same size screen as the Lexus factory unit but it does a lot more. I just got a GS450H that came with a built in NAV. I had considered buying another lockpick or other device to make it work but I am going to plop the Garmin on the dash for long trips, and since I am new to the SC area I will have the

    factory NAV to use only if I get lost. By the way my Garmin is a couple years old and it lists the Sams and Walmart 2.7 miles from my house, but the 08 GS has the latest version 7.1 ? and not only does it not list Sam's or Walmart, it also doesn't show a lot of other stores in the area.

    The Garmin has remote control, which seems willy but it comes in handy, it also is able to say the name of the street. Lexus will say = turn right in 500 feet, Garmin will say = in 500 feet right on Raintree Drive




    Navigate With Ease

    StreetPilot 7500 comes ready to go right out of the box with preloaded City Navigator® NT street maps, including a hefty points of interest (POIs) database with motels, restaurants, fuel, ATMs and more. Simply touch the sunlight-readable color screen or use the remote to enter a destination, and the 7500 takes you there with turn-by-turn voice directions. It even announces the name of exits and streets so you never have to take your eyes off the road. In addition, the 7500 accepts custom points of interest (POIs), such as school zones and safety cameras, and lets you set proximity alerts to warn you of upcoming POIs.

    Add Traffic, Weather and Radio

    With an optional XM antenna and a subscription to XM services, you can check the weather, monitor traffic tie-ups and listen to XM radio when you travel with the StreetPilot 7500 in the U.S. As an alternative, the 7500 can receive optional TMC traffic alerts (in select cities) when used with a compatible traffic receiver. Simply touch the screen to view traffic details or recalculate your route to avoid traffic.

    Stay Entertained

    The StreetPilot 7500 comes with several entertainment features to help keep your journey fun, including built-in MP3 and audio book (subscription to Audible.com required) players. In addition to headphones, you can listen to music and books through your vehicle’s stereo thanks to the 7500’s built-in wireless FM transmitter. Volume levels are speed-adjusted, so it gets louder as speed increases, and audio is muted when navigation instructions are given.

    Connect your camcorder, DVD player or game box to the 7500 to take advantage of its big screen resolution.

    Navigate Without Satellite Signals

    For big city drivers, the StreetPilot 7500 includes dead reckoning capabilities, which means it continues to provide position data if you lose signal in areas with tall buildings or tunnels. Professional installation is required.

    StreetPilot 7500: The big picture in car navigation.

  18. Nope, if you want me to I can take a picture of the NAV and post it. You can take it to the dealer on your next trip because something is wrong with your NAV

    If you could post a pic that would be great. I have a friend with an LS600 that I'm going to visit this week. I'm going to compare our systems and see if they look the same.

    I'm really sorry, the "Sticks" remark was in reference to the only time that I saw what you displayed, and I WAS in the sticks... I meant no disrespect to you or Las Vegas...which EVERYONE knows is not the sticks! I was just trying to be funny about my experience. Anyway, you should never have had that problem in Las Vegas! As a matter of fact, the whole thing that you experienced sounds fishy to me. I think there's something wrong with your GPS and they don't want to admit it. Rey

    No need to apologize, Ray!! If my response had a grouchy tone to it, it was only because I was irritated with my experience with the dealer.


    Most areas look like this but I did drive through some that were not as bad as yours but were not as good as the screen shot

  19. You can't compare the GS450h to someone's experience with a GS430. Wheelspin is very bad for the hybrid system, thus the VSC on the hybrid is VERY insistent that there be no wheelspin, which creates issues when driving in the snow.

    IMHO a gS430 would be significantly better than a GS450h in the snow.

    i simply beg to differ. to my knowledge a RX 400h awd simply has an electric motor driving the rear wheels, (which only operate at low speeds and minimal traction situations) everyone here seems to recommend the 400h for the snow. I own a Pruis and have driven it all of the snow storms here in the north east, including making a trip from nyc to ma during the last snowstorm in feb. So i really dont think the "wheelspin" is a factor at all especially since trac control kicked in along with vsc (while driving the prius). I also drove along the merrit parkway (anyone in ct can testify that road is the hillest and most curvetastic highway in the north east) The only thing i was worried about was the rwd effecting steering in snow. If the 450h drove anything like the prius in the snow i will simply love it (it drove straight, no wheelspin, and it maintained a great speed through out the journey)

    I was born in CT and have cousins in Stamford and Monroe, I drive the Merrit every time I visit, I even took it on the way to Springfield Mass, and I agree ee it is one of the worst roads to drive in the snow. If it does OK on the Marrit that is saying a lot.

  20. Snow isn't an issue with me anymore now that I moved from NY to SC I don't intend going up north for visits if the weather gets cold. I had planned on going up on Christmas and Thanksgiving, which I did do last year but the cold weather just caused me a lot of pain, I just can't take cold weather it was one of the main reasons I left NY. The AWD RX400h that I traded in was pretty good in the snow but it has been replaced with the GS450H 3 weeks ago, because I wanted to go back to a regular car instead of an SUV. But if I do wind up in snow I noticed the GS has a snow switch. Last week I was at the dealer getting the DRL turned off and saw a non hybrid GS trunk, the diffrence in room is huge so the batteries that occupy that space must be large to take up that much room. The snow switch [whatever it does] coupled with the weight of the battery over the rear axle the car should help the car do well in the snow. The car is rather low to the ground so my guess is that even in a AWD version it would still bottom out in deep stuff. This is just speculation on my part but the added weight in the rear my allow it to do almost as well as an AWD model as long as it doesn't get a few feet deep.

    This is all guess work on my part based on observations of how regular cars handle in snow when you take into account ground clearance, weight in the rear and other factors. But the torque in the hybrid electric motor may cause wheel spin control problems [maybe the snow switch solves the problem]. There aren't many people on this forum with real snow experience in the GS450H but the one person with the most real snow experience seems satisfied with the performance.

  21. The anti freeze has a lubricant in it so unless you drained it and were running on water I wouldn't worry. I have only had one pump go in all my years of driving and it went without warning. I I usually don't keep cars long enough to wear out a set of tires or a battery, but when I was young and broke I would keep a car for a 100,000 miles. The pump that went was on a 1980 Scout with a Japanese made diesel. It sprayed coolant all over the engine

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