Yes, the ride quality will decrease. Many thing contribute to ride quality but the biggest factor is rubber. When you go to 19s, not only are you losing rubber (sidewall height), but you are also going to stiffer sidewalls since these sizes need to compensate (strength/support-wise) for the loss of sidewall. The "good" thing, if youcan call it that, is that you are already on 17s. These actually ride somewhat stiff too compared to the buttery 16s. Going to 18s or 19s might not be as bad.
My only confusion is when you said
This does not sound like a problem with ride quality (how soft the suspension rides). If this is what you disliked about the 18s, can you clarify what your definition of "ride quality" is. What are the characteristics of good ride quality? We can then go from there.
Your other changes, sways and L-Tuned S/S, will also affect the ride but we can go into this more once there is a better understanding of what you want. :)