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gtoph last won the day on August 27 2015

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    RX 400h AWD
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  1. Following up. I had planned to talk to headquaters about this again, and try to contact the state board as well, but a lot of unexpected things had come up and I hadn't gotten a chance. But today, I got a call out of the blue from Lexus, and they informed me that there is an offical campain now for this issue and they will be reembursing me the full amount. I would like to think that all of us here had a little to do with that. :)
  2. I'm not sure you could go somewhere else, but I kind of doubt it. $180 is better than my deal which was over $200. I'm still kind of bitter about it, even with a $125 service credit for next time... which let's face it, isn't going to get you too far at the dealer. I could understand if my sensors was actually bad, and needed replacement, but like DJ said above, a simple software upgrade so we can pass emmisions should be done under a recall free of charge. I don't know how much farther we can get on this though... other than to have as many people with this issue call corporate as possible and hopefully when there is enough, they do actually issue a recall.
  3. German, did you have to push to get reembursed? They did the same thing to my rx; simple computer software update and road test. Charged me about twice as much for 2 hrs of labor though. Dealing with customer service all I got so far is a little service credit, but no reembursement. Did yours happen to be under warentee still? Aprantly, the 8/80k expired for me this last January.
  4. Thanks guys, I just ran into an identical issue. Smog guys said o2 sensor wasn't ready. Have an appt with the dealer tomorrow, hopefully it's just a matter of doing the upgrade.
  5. Just to add, Archie is correct for the most part. Only I wouldn't bother with paying for the consumer reports report. (I did and there was nothing I didn't already find for free, and I actually found more info than they provided anyway). I would hit the lexus forums (this one and carspace.com seem to be the better ones) to see what other people are getting them for. Of course the forums are no substitute for actually having the real figures. There are a slew of free sites out there (google is your friend) that will tell you the real cost. edmunds.com and cars.com are good starts, but they pretty much only list the basic info. If you dig deeper, you'll find the holdback (edmunds mentions it actually), the wholesale holdback, the TDA, and of course the invoice price. For a jump start (this is all from memory) for lexus, the holdback is 2% of base MSRP, the wholesale is another 1%, and I believe the TDA varies with models (this one is harder to dig up) but I think is around $400-$600. Subtract all that from invoice and you'll have what the dealer really pays for the car.
  6. Ok, so ... hoping the point didn't get missed ... trying simply to say that the 400h ONLY comes in 2wd (which is driven from the front two wheels only) or AWD (which is different from the typical type that has a physical connection to the ICE). Is that more understandable? Trying to keep it simple :D Not really. Again, the 400h comes in FWD or AWD. 2wd could imply only rear wheel drive as well (which is still around), it would be better to say FWD, (which is 2wd using the front wheels). For our 400h, yes the ICE is not connected to the real wheels, but that doesn't matter, they are still powered. Bottom line, it comes in FWD and i would say part time AWD. (though I've seen debates on the latter.... how is AWD vs 4wd vs full/part time defined exactly.... not that I'm opening up that one again)
  7. Just my .02 on these as well... 5. My purchase was from out of state so I didn't get the usual add-on BS speech, but I assume this is just for routine things like oil, tire rotation and such. I would just get your free one (at 5k) done at the dealer and then you can take it to any reputable (ie not jiffy-lube or some other crap chain store) place and have the same stuff done for a lot less. If you have an issue with using a dealer, take it to Toyota and you can get offical parts, and it'll still be a lot cheaper. 6. Likewise, todays paints hold up just fine without any add-on spray crap. If you really want it, check your local shops. Just as an example, they wanted $200 to tint the front two windows at the dealer, where all they do is sub it out to some local shop anyway. I actually got a recommendation from the parts guy and we ended up paying about $80. Detailing, just go to your local carwash anytime you feel the need to have it detailed.
  8. I'm not sure about the "courtesy delivery" thing, but here's my 2 cents..... 1. Don't pay MSRP, you can at least get 4000 off MSRP, probably more now. 2. My local dealers wouldn't do a whole hell of a lot, I think the best I could do with them was 48k on the 51.3k MSRP one 3. I ended up purchasing my out of state and having it shipped. Doing that I got a few more thousand less and shipping cost me 600 (which is pretty close to the delivery you mentioned above). There were no other fees associated (ok other than $50 to overnight paperwork) except of course local TTL.
  9. If you can get it into the top 2 bars it'll change to green. Try going down a big-ol' hill and put it in 'B' or use your brake ever so slightly.
  10. I was was the dealership the other day and asked about the inflation. They said something like upto 40psi in winter and a few less in summer. I've been running them at ~37 and haven't noticed anything unusual. The higher pressure does help with MPG. Just wish lexus would actually revise the official recommended pressure.
  11. You might have mentioned it before, but have you noticed any unusual wear on your tires at 36psi? I'm actually running them around there as well but mine still still to new to tell anything yet. Anyone know if Lexus officially changed this yet?
  12. Don't be afraid to shop out of state, you can probably still do better. :)
  13. See http://townhall-talk.edmunds.com/WebX?14@@...a30.ef79a27/259 for my story... In short, MSRP: 51346 Public invoice: 45741 Payed 46650 (without TTL) with no fees or dealer prep. (ok $50 for overnight documents back and forth, but no biggie). Holdback isn't that guarded anymore, and I did find out a few other numbers as well... I might have been able to do a little better, but it was still a reasonable deal. The local dealers would do a whole heck of a lot for me, so I bought it out of state and had it shipped.... still cheaper than the best deal I could get here.
  14. By the way, if you end up trying to purchase one, you can get a decent deal on them, so don't let the dealer sell it to you for MSRP. :)
  15. There's two versions... the 2WD and an AWD. 4WD is not the same as AWD... the difference has to full time vs part time wheel driving. The 400h does not have a drive shaft from the engine to the rear wheels, only an electric motor is connected to them. Hope that helps.
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