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  1. Thanks for the info - you have been very helpful. I am surprised about wheel balancing being rather difficult w/Lexuses - it shouldn't be so with the money we spend on these vehicles. I am contempalting trading mine in. Didn't expect these kind of issues.
  2. Wow! Thanks for the info - the Tennessee Lexus post show two recalls. I checked my records and I have not had any recall work done since I have had the car which I bought previous to these two recalls. Sounds like I have dealer issues - I will call my area rep as you suggested and see what he can do. Thanks again for your help. :)
  3. SKperformance, Thanks for the reply. Please understand as a Lexus owner, my baby gets nothing but the best treatment - therefore none of the issues you described are relevant. When I brought the car in after nearly stalling on Route 495, the dealer took two days to isolate the problem to the fuel filter - they couldn't figure it out in house and had to access their offsite Tech source. I am writing to this forum, because I already had the dealership look at all these issue and I am still having problems and wanted to get a sense if anyone else is having these issues - they said the vibration is normal for that speed for wooden steering wheels - however, I have jhad the car two years and this just started to happen to me(although I don't go over 70 MPH very often.) I wanted to see if anyone else experienced this problem going over 70 MPH. I am somewhat irritated w/Lexus - I spent a ton of money on the car and am having problems lesser priced cars would have. Plus if things hadn't gone my way on 495, I could be wrting from a hospital bed or worse.
  4. I have had a few issues w/my 2004 LS430 - has anyone else had issues and how did you handle: 1) At speeds of greater than 70 MPH, my steering wheel vibrates. 2) Recently my fuel filter failed such that I would stall freqeuently after driving long distances. Nearly stalled on Route 495 going 70 MPH!!! Yes, I bought my LS new. 3) I am having a recurring low tire light come on. I checked the pressure and everything is fine. Thisa is the second time - previously I did have a low tire but not this time. It was properly reset after the frist time.
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