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    00' gs300

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  1. Thanks....probably gonna go with ceramics....just wanted to hear from somebody to see if they made much of a difference
  2. Just ordered Brembo x-drilled rotors for my GS......front and back.....Wondering if anybody had any thoughts on brakepads to get......let me know...........
  3. For the headlights.....but nevermind though....i found a spot........they came out good.....thanks for the thought at least
  4. Just wanted to know where u guys think is the best spot in a GS to install aftermarket ballasts?
  5. Radiation fog usually only occurs in high pressure, low wind areas and you are right it is caused by the cooling of the ground which causes it to appear like its on the ground but its still not. Nice try though. And as for the rest at water vapors dewpoint droplets form INSIDE the vapor not out of the vapor hence the water droplets surrounded by water vapor or FOG is the GASEOUS form of water. You must understand that the water droplets inside the vapor are what allow u to see this gaseous form. Without the vapor u would have no droplets and no fog so stop taping bill nye the science guy and trying to prove me wrong. Lets find a new topic here. ← You can't see water vapor. You still don't see the gaseous form of water, you see the condensed droplets, which may be an artifact, but are not the actual gas itself. Gas is gas, droplets is droplets. There's just no bul*BLEEP*ting your way around that. If fog is a gas, then you don't need fog lights. Next thing you know, you'll be trying to tell us that wood smoke is a gas. This thread is moot. ← bartkat, I didn't know that you worked in a burger stand??? And on that note , What is wrong with flipping burgers? I hope that wasn'y said to be demeaning. Now the topic is changed, Highjacked Blah Blah back forth, Blah Blah back forth, etc... :wacko: ← i agree enough is enough
  6. Radiation fog usually only occurs in high pressure, low wind areas and you are right it is caused by the cooling of the ground which causes it to appear like its on the ground but its still not. Nice try though. And as for the rest at water vapors dewpoint droplets form INSIDE the vapor not out of the vapor hence the water droplets surrounded by water vapor or FOG is the GASEOUS form of water. You must understand that the water droplets inside the vapor are what allow u to see this gaseous form. Without the vapor u would have no droplets and no fog so stop taping bill nye the science guy and trying to prove me wrong. Lets find a new topic here. ← You can't see water vapor. You still don't see the gaseous form of water, you see the condensed droplets, which may be an artifact, but are not the actual gas itself. Gas is gas, droplets is droplets. There's just no bul*BLEEP*ting your way around that. If fog is a gas, then you don't need fog lights. Next thing you know, you'll be trying to tell us that wood smoke is a gas. This thread is moot. ←
  7. Radiation fog usually only occurs in high pressure, low wind areas and you are right it is caused by the cooling of the ground which causes it to appear like its on the ground but its still not. Nice try though. And as for the rest at water vapors dewpoint droplets form INSIDE the vapor not out of the vapor hence the water droplets surrounded by water vapor or FOG is the GASEOUS form of water. You must understand that the water droplets inside the vapor are what allow u to see this gaseous form. Without the vapor u would have no droplets and no fog so stop taping bill nye the science guy and trying to prove me wrong. Lets find a new topic here.
  8. FYI:H2O naturally comes in all three states of matter---Solid, liquid and of course Gas. Water takes many forms. The solid state of water is known as ice; the gaseous state is known as water vapor (or steam). Water has many other forms, such as vitreous ice, a noncrystalline (glassy), solid state of water. Check out this site to find out your wrong: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_%28molecule%29 ← Did you mean to say "you're"? Fog is condensed droplets of water, suspended in air. Very similar to a cloud only at ground level. You cannot see vapor, only the condensate. Your quote mentions absolutely nothing about fog, BTW. Now, back to topic. ← Once again u are wrong fog is not condensed water droplets. The molecules are actually more spread out in water's gaseous state or fog ,clouds whatever u want to call it. You are right u can not see water vapor but clouds and fog are made up of about 80% water vapor which in turn is causing the water droplets iside the vapor due to temperature change in the atmosphere. These droplets reflect light which is the only reason you can see fog or water vapor. Keep studying. You were almost right
  9. FYI:H2O naturally comes in all three states of matter---Solid, liquid and of course Gas. Water takes many forms. The solid state of water is known as ice; the gaseous state is known as water vapor (or steam). Water has many other forms, such as vitreous ice, a noncrystalline (glassy), solid state of water. Check out this site to find out your wrong: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_%28molecule%29
  10. Thanks, SK u seem to be the only one with real input. I don't know which bulbs have mercury some do and some don't. It may not even be bulbs for HID systems. It was just a possibility that i suggested. Even though someone earlier in the forum suggested that HID's are worse for fog lights do u think that putting the 12000k in the fogs would be just like halogens since they have the same light output because i want the color for the look but u have me convinced on the 4100k bulbs for the headlights. What im asking is if the 12000k in the fogs would be just as optimal as the stock halogens. i know they wont be as good as the yellow fogs though.
  11. Information about 8000k+ and coating of bulbs: http://www.intellexual.net/hid.html An exerpt: So, saying you have a biology degree so you understand the engineering, physics, and chemistry of HID lighting and the effect it has on the brain's ability to percieve its surroundings seems to be just as rediculous as me saying since I have a psychology degree I'm equipped to go teach a symposium on nuclear physics. ← [/quo First of all thank you Sk for your serious input and your hands on description of your lighting system. It will be helpful in my decision. As for SWO who just wants to argue about nothing. In having a biology degree i've gotten a masters in science including Physics, chemistry, and organic chemistry. So dont question my knowledge. Yes some xenon light bulbs have mercury GAS in them to change the color. That is why they need to be disposed of as toxic similar to flouresent light bulbs. So go back to ur high school text books and keep reading up on real science instead of quoting me stupid web pages. Like I said before all I wanted was input from people who had aftermarket HID systems and what they're opinion was. This is a lexus forum not a science forum. You may have a lexus but I don't expect to see u on a science forum anytime soon. Keep your day job. What is mercury? Mercury is a naturally occurring metal which has several forms. The metallic mercury is a shiny, silver-white, odorless liquid. If heated, it is a colorless, odorless gas.
  12. first of all i have a biology degree so dont preach to me. Youre wrong rain and fog are not the same thing. They are made from the same thing(water) but ones a gas and the others a liquid hence the fact one is called rain and one is called fog. Fog does not sit on the ground and rain does. that is why fog lights work because they light up the ground below the fog for better sight directly in front of you. Ther is no light that doesn't reflect off of rain or fog that is why the light is directed under the fog. You cant direct light under rain. As for the HID's i understand what ur saying im not disagreeing with u all I said was that my friends werent painted. I only brought this topic up for peoples opinion on what HID's to get not an education about something I can learn on an HID website. I want opinions from people who have low temp bulbs and people with high temp bulbs so I can make a decision. I understand how they work. My apologies if you misunderstood me SK. Also some xenon lights have mercury in them which produce a purple light without having to paint them. Ive gotten your opinion already and I appreciate it so the process of how HID's work is no longer necessary.
  13. but they're not rain lights they're fog lights any light will reflect off of water on the ground and my friend has 12000k HID's and they're not painted. not that 12000k bulbs really exsist the temps really dont go much higher than 6500k
  14. hey turbo i didn't see the tubes on that website it just showed bulbs. are there different colored cct"s and if so where can u get them besides LLS?
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