LOL yes, yes i do know that cars are a bad investment...The only reason why i buy all these cars is because i want them. If we didn't have the money then i wouldn't buy them, but fortunately we do have the money so i buy nice things for me and my family.
It wasn't until after i started working for a few years (like 10) before i was able to buy nice cars etc. My wife and i have worked hard for our money, and we are very thankful for what we have today, including our family (that's what really matters to me). It wasn't until our youngest was born in 1990 when we were we able to afford the things we can today. My wife and i weren't exactly living richly when our first son was born when we were both in college, both still kids ourselves. It has taken us a long time to work our way up to where we are today, and we will spend our money as we see fit.
LexKid630, I'm with you when it comes to buying the things that you want. It's your money to do what you want with. It really is no one elses business how you spend your money. to as many cars as you see fit. B)