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Posts posted by umarali

  1. Hello,
    I want to share my experience for folks here who may be having similar issue for better troubleshooting.
    Started with slow cranking when you press engine start button it cranks 2 or 3 times and stops press button again all lights dim like as if battery is dying and cranks slow slow and then starts maybe have to try third time as well. 
    I checked online and most of people mentioned same problem in different vehicles being starter going out.
    I checked battery with multimeter, after about 4 to 5 hours of turning off engine it was showing around 12.4 volts. I cranked motor and the voltage reading was 13.5v while engine running.
    other signs i experienced was that the courtesy and interior lights turn off and i had to manually put them back on auto every time. Another related issue was that the navigation was taking some time to boot and show progress bar with text saying system booting which never happened before and take 10 to 15 seconds everytime i start. One more issue was that as soon as vehicle turns on the lexus link calls itself and had to turn off.
    So i took it to autozone and had them load test battery which revealed that battery apparently has a bad cell so its not a starter. 
    Next thing i called lexus since it has lexus battery, they told me that warranty works like this: first 2 years free replacement, year 3 and 4 50% proration and year 5 6 and 7 25% proration. My battery is 3 years and 2 months old so they will charge me $104.65 to replace battery which i believe better than buying $100 walmart battery.

  2. i just bought mine at ebay used. i paid $30 for one and $35 for second. you just have to keep looking and wait for better deal. i just searched lexus lx wireless headphones. they were used but in excellent condition came with batteries. i didnt wanna pay for brand new so optex for used and doesnt regret it at all.

  3. it is very simple, i have replaced mine with led lights.

    you dont even need to remove any screws or disassemble anything, if you just feel it under and behind the running board light you can just twist the light bulb and pull out, replace and just twist it back into place. simpler than it sounds trust me.i had uploaded pictures on some forum few months ago for mine replacement.

  4. So the
    back of the passenger seat was coming apart due to broken tabs inside. This
    back piece comes as one part and cost atleast $150 online and even more from
    dealership. Here is what it looks like and i decided to fix it instead of
    replacing it.

    by umar ali, on Flickr

    1. Move
    the seat all the way back and place flathead screwdriver under piece and just
    pull up it will pop off easily. Repeat same for other side. You will find one
    bolt on each side. I believe 14mm size socket will work.

    by umar ali, on Flickr

    by umar ali, on Flickr

    by umar ali, on Flickr

    by umar ali, on Flickr

    by umar ali, on Flickr

    by umar ali, on Flickr

    by umar ali, on Flickr

    by umar ali, on Flickr

    by umar ali, on Flickr

    by umar ali, on Flickr

    3. Now
    reach under the seat on the floor and pull carpet piece aside. Unplug these 3
    plugs from ECU, this is just a precautionary measure not to pop out any airbags
    in the seat while working on it. They are easy to remove, just press on tabs
    and pull out.

    by umar ali, on Flickr

    by umar ali, on Flickr

    5. Lift
    the seat from front and remove these 3 plugs from the bottom since the cable
    limits the room for movement of seat.

    by umar ali, on Flickr

    by umar ali, on Flickr

    This small
    clip doesnt comes off easy so i just pulled down on cable since it is just tied
    with tape to this clip and easily slide off. Then use nose pliers to take it

    by umar ali, on Flickr

    6. Now
    pull the seat all the way back and push it to dashboard.

    by umar ali, on Flickr

    7. Now
    from rear seat you can easily work on it. Pull these rubber elastic bands at
    the bottom of seat holding flap. This will uncover 2 Phillips screws holding
    the back plastic piece.

    by umar ali, on Flickr

    by umar ali, on Flickr

    by umar ali, on Flickr

    Remove the
    cable for small LED on the bottom side of the flap. Just push down tab and pull
    it out.

    by umar ali, on Flickr

    These are
    the 2 screws need to be removed holding the back plastic piece.

    by umar ali, on Flickr

    Now just
    pull the Back down and out. It is held on top by clip only.

    by umar ali, on Flickr

    by umar ali, on Flickr

    you got so far, this is the motor which controls the leaning back ofseat, if it
    doesnt work this motor needs to be checked.

    by umar ali, on Flickr

    motor controls the sliding of seat back and forth

    by umar ali, on Flickr

    motor controls the seat to grow longer at knees.

    by umar ali, on Flickr

    you want to service the seat fan underneath. Just turn filtercounterclockwise
    and it comes off. Now remove 3 bolts holding it in place andwiggle off the
    ducts but be careful not to rip the ducts. I almost ripped myduct which trying
    to take it off.

    Unless you live
    in very dusty environment for longer period of time the fanstays pretty clean
    and need no service.

    by umar ali, on Flickr

    by umar ali, on Flickr

    by umar ali, on Flickr

    This is the back part which has 5 broken tabs which hold the flap. Theone with
    arrow is the only one left all other broke off.

    by umar ali, on Flickr

    by umar ali, on Flickr

    9. I
    bough cotter pins of size 1/16" x 1/2" and #10 washers fromhome depot
    for around $4 total.

    by umar ali, on Flickr

    is the small drill i have which i used to drill holes where the tabsbroke off.

    by umar ali, on Flickr

    Then i put cotter pin from outside and put washer on the inside and bendcotter
    pin and hammered down lightly

    by umar ali, on Flickr

    by umar ali, on Flickr

    this small part is visible on outer back side but all of them will becovered by
    flap except one which is too small to notice.

    by umar ali, on Flickr

    just put everything backwards and you have a fixed backseat flap.

    Note: it really
    sucks that i had to write this DIY twice, i almost finishedfirst time and
    closed tab by mistake then wrote it all over again.

  5. So the rear vent was broken on my LX and it was annoyoing since the replacement part is the whole console comes in one part which is $1200 and i am not paying $1200 for a broken fin in the vent. So i decided to fix it myself and took some pictures just in case someone want to do DIY someday.
    1. Pull from the top sides and it just comes apart as in picture since there are no bolts in it just the tabs holding it together.
    2. Remove 2 screws holding bottom parts which has face plate and volume knob for rear entertainment system.
    3. remove the power plug from the bottom part carefully by pressing white tab on the side and pulling it out.
    4. remove 3 small screws holding the center climate control part and pull it out from bottom first and it will slide out at an angle.


    5. Now pinch the plastic tabs holding wire in place and unplug the wire plug same way.



    6. remove the 6 screws to remove finally the top part holding the vents.
    7. Now take which ever side has broken fin and just lift the four plastic pieces with small tabs holding it to the frame two on top and two on bottom and pull the vent part out.
    8. From this point it will be straight forward that pyll the side tab holding round dial in which is used to open and close duct and just pull out.
    9. Now pull the plastic bars holding fins towards outside they are just snap on to the small tabs which has play so it can move.

    10. For my fix what i did was took small drill and drill a whole through the side of fin, then drilled a hole through the broken small tab piece and put a metal needle pice through them and poured crazy glue in to keep it together.

    just reverse the process and that way you will have working vents perfectly without shedding $1200.
    BTW these vents are not part of rear AC, they are connected to front driver and passenger side, the vent on left is connected to driver`s controls and right side is connected to passenger`s control. Dont really see the purpose why would manufacturer do that.

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