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About 1sikgs

  • Birthday 04/05/1984

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  • Lexus Model
    GS 300

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  1. You will not notice much difference. I run the same tire size during the winter months.
  2. yeah. i've had this problem before also. like smooth1 said, check to make sure the e-brake is disengaged. if it is, you'll have to tap it off with a hammer.
  3. They are not ceramic...they are semi mettalic actually they are ceramic. i checked
  4. the oe pads are ceramic. stick with those
  5. there could be a problem with your a/c compressor. if it is bad then it could be drawing to much current when you turn it on. also the clutch on the compressor could be bad. if that is makeing the belt drag then it is not spinning the alternator pulley as fast as it should and therefore the alternator is not putting out as much current as is should.
  6. i'm not exactly sure what happens either, but the owners manual recommends running you a/c even in the winter months just to keep the system functioning properly
  7. since the guage isn't working, the coolant temp sensure is the most likely culprit. it is fairly inexpensive and easy to replace. this will fix the guage problem and the fan problem. as for the radiator just replace it.
  8. this has been covered before. but to help out, you have to remove the seat first. just pull the seat bottom up to release it from the clips. it's a little hard but pull and it will come out. next there are a few bolts and the bottom and at the top. the bottom bolts are easy to see. the others are behind the head rest. remove the head rest and there is a flap. the bolts are behind those flaps. next remove the pillar covers. they are just held in with clips. then the rear deck cover comes off. there is a black mat covering the bolts holding the sob in. once you remove the mat, just take out the bolts and replace the sub. reverse the process to reinstall
  9. do a search. i had the same questions you had and found a thread covering this already. there is only one amp in the passenger side kick panel. find the thread and you will learn how to bypass the factory amp
  10. it seems as though you just need to replace the starter.
  11. use a synthtic gear oil. it makes a big difference. 75w90 or 80w90 is what you should use
  12. if all you want it shocks then just search the net. they're like $80 or so each. that's roughly $240. install shouldn't be more than 3 hours. most shops charge $90/hour. at 3 hours that $270. $240 + $270 = $510.
  13. i agree with 92lex on the tire pull. i was having the same problem just two weeks ago and i was told by my buddy at the wheel shop to rotate the wheels. after doing the rotation the pull went away. if this does not correct you're problem then i would say that there is another problem having to do with the suspension. check all the bushing and ball joints.
  14. if you struts are original then i believe it is definitely time to change them. the second generation also seem to have lower ball joint issues. you should check them out too
  15. i suggest you check all the bushings. especially the sway bar bushings. also you should check your alignment to make sure nothing is off.
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