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  1. Another thought; get a locksmith to get the door open. Make sure it doesnt shut afterward til you get the actuator/linkage issue fixed.. A lot cheaper than having the door destroyed. Locksmiths have a lot of tricks to use..
  2. The CD changer can cause issues. Disconnect it from the AMP and see if things change. I disconnected mine and fuses stopped blowing. Rear speakers are known to go out. I changed mine out for some Boston Acoustics S42 s in 2011. Almost a drop in replacement. I have an old post about this issue somewhere..
  3. Almost certainly it is the linkage which is a small piece of brittle plastic that snaps down over the linkage rod. See my earlier posts from 2011 about the issues with door panels and brittle plastic.. I ended up fiberglass repairing my door panel. A simple job of replacing the linkage connector turned into a MAJOR rebuild job. I think I may still have an old actuator and the linkage if you get that far. The biggest problem is that the door panel cannot be removed unless the door is opened! I got lucky and managed to get it to open after repeatedly trying the handle.. I'd hate to think about cutting the door open from the outside. I was lucky enough back in 2011 to find a replacement door panel and went in from the inside.. An older post:
  4. not that I am aware of. Can't recall, but the head unit may have a radio code. But unlikely it is your issue
  5. strange. I'm going to be guessing, but perhaps the expansion valve is bad.
  6. It is very easy. Just be careful removing the door panel, because the plastics Lexus used are brittle at this age.
  7. Sounds like speakers. I replaced mine with Boston Acoustic S45 speakers and they were a drop-in replacement for the rear deck speakers. Sound great, and on ebay the price for a pair is verrry reasonable.
  8. Either the linkage is broken, or the solenoid actuator is hosed. If you can hear the clicking inside the door, the solution is going to be to *carefully* remove the door panel and take a look at what is going on.
  9. Very likely the amp. Try unplugging the CD changer completely from the amp to verify. If system works, it is the CD changer. If the fuse still blows, then unplug amp. I'm guessing the AMP is fried. BTW, I have a factory new Nakamichi amp, never used, in factory box and wrapping for sale, but it is more than $50 :)
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