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Everything posted by amf1932

  1. I'm the same way as well. B) I have been the owner of 1- ES250('91), 2- ES300's('94 & '03), and now the ES350, and I can honestly say that this '07 model is the quietest running, best performing car of any of my previous models! My model has a build date of 3/06, so it probably is one of the earliest ES350's manufactured by Lexus. I was also very concerned about buying this car since I always liked waiting so some of the bugs, if any, were worked out, but so far after 6 months of ownership I haven't had one single problem to complain about. The guy who wrote that road test of the ES350 is totally full of crap IMO, and he sure sounds like he has a bone to pick with Lexus products in general!! It reminds me of some of the stupid blogs I read about any new product that hits the market. I'm a pretty critical automobile owner, and having owned approximately 40 autos in my lifetime, from Fords to Cadillacs, I have been loving this '07 ES more then any model I've owned in the past...so far. :)
  2. Personally, I feel they all "suck". :P :P :P :P :P
  3. After starting your engine, and your car is still in park the seat belt sound should not activate, nor will it sound when you put the transmission in drive. It will sound after you start to move, slowly at first and then more quickly. It will stop when you latch the belt, or discontinue the sound after about 30 seconds...even though the seat belt remains unlatched.
  4. Look at the March '06 issue of 'Consumer Reports'. They tested out 35 upright vacuum cleaners, and the Dyson DC15 came out in 9th place, at a price of about $500. The first and second place vacuums were Sears Kenmore, models 35923 & 36932 respectively. Sears is selling the model 35923 for about $279. Do yourself a favor and check them out......you could save yourself about $221 over the Dyson.......and get a better machine besides. ;)
  5. amf1932

    Hd Tv's

    You can see an HD program in HD, but you'll have to use component cables for your hookup. Make sure you have an HD cable box, otherwise there won't be component outputs on the box. Look for, red, green, blue for the video, and red, white for the audio on the back of the box.
  6. amf1932

    Hd Tv's

    You have to get an HD box like Alan said. Remember, you have to have an HDTV to watch HD programming also. You can watch a HD program on a standard definition TV also, but it won't be in HD. I have an RF feed out of my SA8300HD DVR going to a little SDTV that's setup in my equipment rack. I use this as a monitor, so it's not important to reproduce these programs in HD.
  7. amf1932

    Hd Tv's

    You probably have the standard cable box. Call up comcast and find out how to exchange this box for a HD cable box. There shouldn't be any charges to do this.
  8. amf1932

    Hd Tv's

    I get ALL these channels listed on this link: http://www.optimum.com/io/hdtv/hdtv_channels.jsp
  9. amf1932

    Hd Tv's

    They(Cablevision) have been lying to me about getting this channel in HD for years. :chairshot:
  10. amf1932

    Hd Tv's

    I only get the Discovery channel in SD....my HD channel lineup does not include this channel. Drat!!
  11. amf1932

    Hd Tv's

    What channel? I watch anything that's in HD. heehee
  12. amf1932

    Hd Tv's

    Sony didn't have any problems with licensing their Betamax format, but as I said, the original reason for it's demise was the limitations to record the longer lengths like the VHS machines. Read this article and you'll see what I mean: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/1401/betamax.html
  13. amf1932

    Hd Tv's

    Some people don't like the image distortion when stretching a broadcasts 4:3 image to full screen. I know I don't!
  14. amf1932

    Hd Tv's

    I don't doubt it, but they didn't win out in the battle of the formats. I want the product that I'll still be able to use down the road. The way new technologies are thrust upon us......it's going to be a pretty short road. LOL There was only one reason why Betamax lost out to VHS, and that was because you were able to get longer recording times on VHS, even though the quality of the recording was inferior. The general public didn't seem to mind, but the professionals used Betamax for many years as their standard! It reminds me of the mindset of Lexus owners.....They wanted a bit more, and thus they chose LEXUS. heehee
  15. amf1932

    Hd Tv's

    I want one too. What do you think about Blu-Ray vs HD/DVD? I want to buy one, HD/DVD is definately cheaper but one of the two is going to win out the HD disc market, and I don't want to get stuck with the one that loses. Its kind of like VHS vs Betamax lol I know Blu-Ray is capable of 1080i, but since I have a Plasma it really doesn't make a difference. In October, 2004 I was invited to a private showing of a Blu-Ray DVD player at Sony Style in NYC. I was truly impressed with the image quality that I saw on one of their front projection sets($40,000). They said that the Blu-Ray players would not be available for about 1 year....they finally are available, but it's closer to 2 years. It would take me too long to discuss the pro's & con's of one format over the other, but I made up my mind that I want the Blu-Ray......after all, I'm a Sony guy. :) BTW: Years ago I owned Betamax recorders, and I always felt that they were a better format than VHS. ;)
  16. Sometimes you'll see them advertised on eBay, or otherwise you can buy one from a Lexus parts dealer, but you'll generally find that they're more expensive at the dealers.
  17. amf1932

    Hd Tv's

    You're talking about CRT(Cathode Ray Tubes) TV's. It's true what you said, but all the new type sets are different in this respect.......they all have some delay before the audio and video comes on. I had a 17" Sony Trinitron TV in the 1970's which came on immediately...both picture & sound. :) Like I said before, these new sets have too much electronic switching to be able to come on immediately, but maybe in the future, they will.
  18. amf1932

    Hd Tv's

    For the same reason it takes awhile for a computer to boot up. There's alot of electronic wizardry going on before it displays the picture.
  19. Besides the exact color match, I find that the paint that was layed down on the new parts was as good as the factory paint job! :)
  20. amf1932

    Hd Tv's

    I've been a Sony man ever since they started to produce electronic equipment. I love their technology! My previous sets were a Sony 42" Hi-Def rear projection that I liked except for the lacking shadow detail, plus image falloff when you were viewing to the side. Then after about a year, I bought a Sony 32" Hi-Def LCD which I still use in the bedroom. I felt that this set(using component cables) gave me a very detailed image, but once again the shadow detail was slightly lacking. This new Bravia has overcome this limitation. The picture is absolutely gorgeous! Here I'm using an HDMI hookup(digital) which supposedly gives you the best reception. Ahh, Ain't technology wonderful. LOL P.S. My next venture will be a Blue-Ray DVD player, but I'm going to wait a bit until they come down in price.
  21. amf1932

    Hd Tv's

    I'm already on my 3rd. Hi-Def TV, and this new model wipes away all my previous sets, as far as being able to reproduce great shadow detail. It's a 52" Sony Bravia XBR LCD. This set is used with a SA8300 DVR digital cable connection, and also a 7-1 Dolby Digital sound system that generates 180 watts per channel. Suffice it to say....my neighbors probably hate me. :)
  22. Whatever you do dont let them give you an ES350 LOL Carla made me promise not to accept ES350 loaners anymore! Carla's right........the temptation would be too great. heehee
  23. I found that I got much better results when I called them(Spoilerdepot) directly, rather than send an email. This is exactly how I got the replacement LED for my spoiler. The first person I spoke to told me that the LED assembly only had a 3 month warranty, but the spoiler had a 1 year warranty. I then told this guy that I wanted to speak to a higher up because I wasn't satisfied with what he told me. He told me to hold on, and when he came back on the phone he said that they'll send me one gratis, even though it wasn't their policy. It seems very strange that they didn't use primer before painting?? My spoiler was absolutely perfect after being on the car for almost 3 years. I guess I lucked out.
  24. I've been following this interesting thread. I also loved the brown leather interiors so much that I remember buying one of the Cadillac convertibles I owned in the 60's with this color interior. They called it, "Saddle Leather". I sure wished that they offered that color in the ES350 instead of the "Cashmere". It's kinda light, and I'm always worried about staining it. On the way down to Maryland recently, my wifey had a ball point pen in her lap that contacted the seat and made a line of blue ink on the seat. I freaked out, but luckily I was able to remove it using some Armorall that I had in the trunk. It wasn't the ideal cleaner....but it worked. SW......what type cleaner would you have used in this situation?
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